Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Tsunami Within

Yesterday, while participating in a Womb of Wisdom workshop with Oshun, the subject of the recent tsunami was brought up in a context that was unconventional. Like all things in my life, everything from late night conversations with friends, to songs played on the radio, or to incredible acts of nature, I have come to realize that they are all great opportunities to reflect and go within. They are all just ways to contemplate on how we are all connected. For me, it's also an opportune time to share.

I couldn't help but notice that everything from the internet to the news to discussions with friends, has been strife with 'fear talk': How Mother Nature is 'retaliating', how the world is going to end, how radiation is in the air or how much devastation and destruction is going on in the world.

I cannot deny the fear that has generated from this.

What I would like to share is this: a different way of thinking and responding.

For the the Lightworkers, Luminous Ones, and those that have been on The Path for some time...and, of course, my Sistars across the globe....
this may serve as a reminder...


For the ones that are just beginning and especially to the ones not quite awake...
I call upon you...nay, IMPLORE you to listen carefully....
to not only open your eyes but to open your heart....

All things that happen whether in Nature or in the City, the US or Japan...
is all connected. To You. To Me. To Everyone in this life.

Every act in nature like the earthquake in Japan is a direct reflection of what is present in each and every one of us.

Did I lose you?

Think of it this way: On a metaphorical sense, is it possible to have a surge of power and energetic force within you resembling a great tidal wave or a jostling earthquake?

If your answer is Yes, then reflect on this: Every single one of us has the potential to do great and powerful things.

It's what we do with our 'Gift' that either contributes to the magic or to the chaos of our ever changing world.

And it's not about minute or really begins with You. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. What are your intentions? Are you coming from a place of love and gratitude or a place of fear, resentment and depravity? These are not easy questions to answer....but when you take the time to contemplate them and seek the answers within, what you may find will surprise you...

Some of you may say that Mother Nature is punishing us for all the pollution and destruction going on. Concentrating and responding with fear and negativity only creates a crippling effect that does more harm than good.

What I think is this: what if Mother Nature is trying to get our attention? What if She's trying to respond in such a way that will only wake us up from our sleep deprived state and jolt us into a more awake state? What if you think of it as Her trying to communicate?

And, what if these Acts are just reflections of what we need to look at within ourselves? Great tsunamis and earthquakes residing in each and every one of us....enormous amounts of energy that's been building up just waiting for the right time to burst forth?

So, what can we do?

Here are some suggestions: Learn to harness that energy. Create with it. Tap into the stillness that is within and meditate. Transmute all negative energy and what no longer serves you into a huge ball of compassion, love and healing light....and gift it into the Universe...

For example:
I'd like to think of today's storm chock full of millions of raindrops filled with love and gratitude splashing the Earth and everyone in it.
I'm now visualizing everything being lovingly lavished by these effervescent Lovedrops...

If you think along these lines, it will be so.

Be mindful of what you think
for it WILL manifest.

And if you're in need of inspiration, just ask yourself this: What would Love do?

It's up to You now....

Yummylicious Food for thought.

Sending you all oodles of Lovedrops and Light-Blissings...

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