Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This Place...

This hidden, secret place. Where do you go? Where does the music, stories and art come from? Some people have asked me about this and I've definitely wondered the same thing myself...even going as far as to inquire, investigate and interrogate some of those virtuosos and geniuses.

I remember writing a poem about this magical place...my own personal retreat...my secret place I only have access to...where I pluck the stories from, like that infamous apple of Eden...and my teacher liked it so much, she copied it using a calligraphy pen and put it on pink construction paper...posting it up on the wall.  That teacher's name? Mrs. Kendall-Wood. She believed in my work...and most importantly, she believed in me.  I think I was 12 at the time. And what's really surprising is...I never let that in...never realized it until now. I think it was because sometime afterward (several years later) my mother found it and thought it was a suicide note.  So, there you go...

I can't really describe this place like how you would a picture or a painting.  It's a place that holds my memories.  It's a place where a tree will magically appear when I need it to and a gentle breeze will kiss my cheeks...tickle my neck with strands of my hair...and I'll feel safe...and supported.  My feet will be bare.  The grass soft, slightly moist and the richest green you can ever imagine...a fairytale incandescent color...and the sea would be right there...where Forest and Ocean meet...where Sky and Earth co-exist simultaneously.  It'll be the closest place to Heaven...and that's when I'll pick up my journal and pen....
.....................and begin to write..................................

But, here's the thing.  This place...it's never the same because what I have to say or express is always different.  This place is like a dream.  It's ethereal.  Like Avalon, Lumeria or Eden but Eve gets to call the shots...and God isn't some male entity with a booming voice shouting out orders...this place is The Collective Voice.  It's the Grace and light that lives inside each and everyone of us.  That's where my stories and art come from.  Where my Truth resides.  Where Love is infinite and where my art is a result of that guidance and allowance.  I am but a Channel.  The essence of that Love and connection is what's really speaking and coming through.

I am but a Guide.....
...trying to show
the stories,
the music,
the art
..the way into the World.

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