Sunday, March 20, 2011

Laura Foxylicious says....

As we move forward into our shifting times, we have the opportunity to connect deeply with the consciousness of the planet and our own Source. This is the key. Staying out of fear and staying in love is the key also. Being in ...true communion - communication - through the subtle channels of our true nature and our relaxed connectivity-ability, we will be guided, for ourselves particularly, and if we are clear instruments, we will receive clear guidance to assist others in getting clear. The fear frequency simply downgrades our energetic response systems. It is not necessary to amplify into fear, simply to tune in to love and divine communion. Remember that this is also a time to forgive everyone, including ourselves; the age of the eye for an eye is over. The time is now to dig deep, to pray and connect like never before, to receive the visions for our own true pieces of the puzzle we are carrying, and to engender the willingness in ourselves and others to 'step up to the plate' of unconditional love, divine service, and readiness for aligned, intuitive action. Team work is the key. There are no opposites or enemies in this teamwork; only those who are currently aligned with harmonious relations and those who are on their way there. We can move ahead loving all and accepting all as we discern who, what is currently aligned with our own desire for unity and harmony, while extending that love, service, and divine devotion on the inner planes to those who are coming behind us, preparing to access that unity consciousness. Be brave hearted, know that all is well, know that you are guided, and love yourself completely. This is your safety net.

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