Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lesson of The Unconditional

So, I was contemplating what 'unconditional' meant which, for me, means to be free of conditions or without conditions or expectations.  And I thought, "Have I based my decisions on what I perceive to be expectations or preconceived outcomes?  What if I were to base my decisions solely on what I feel in my heart and what I desire not what I think is best for me overall?"  And more importantly, basing it on whether I get what I want in the end...

Concerning matters of the heart, we are usually cautious, defensive, manipulative, strategic, over-analytical and afraid.  Rarely are we open, vulnerable, unconditional, expressive or willing to allow ourselves the experience of Love unless we feel supported to do so.  But, then I got to thinking the basis/source/the very nature of where our intentions lie when expressing our feelings and emotions...and do we come from a 'free from conditions' place?  Most of the time?


When I 'put myself out there'...when I express how I feel to someone else...when I tell them what's pulsing through my heart and I'm feeling vulnerable and exposed...in the back of my mind, am I thinking, "Please tell me you love me, too?  Please please please say you reciprocate how I feel?  Please don't crush my heart into a million pieces?"  I think I sometimes do...and so do most of you...

Is it okay to think that?  Of course.  Is it okay to have wants and desired outcomes?  Yes.  But, here's the thing.  Are you aware of cause and effect otherwise known as Karma?  When you have expectations and/or desired outcomes, will you honor the outcome regardless of whether you receive what you want or will you be disappointed?

That's where the Lesson of The Unconditional comes in.  Because when you free yourself from a desired outcome, an expectation, or a preconceived notion...you are allowing yourself to receive in whatever form your gift will come to you.  You may put in your 'order' but sometimes the Universe has something else in store.  The question is: are you up for the adventure?

And I know...easier said than done...that whole unconditional stuff.  Here's another tidbit for you...are you willing to gift that same love and attention to YourSelf?  Because...truly... loving and accepting yourself unconditionally is one of the most challenging things for me right now and I have no qualms about admitting that.  Bringing it out in the open like this allows me the space to work things out and heal those shadowed parts that have been in the dark for far too long.

Now is the time to Shed Your Skin...release all your old patterns and be free from suffering and fear.  Open your heart. MORE.  Now radiate Light.  On the Shadows.  On everything and everyone...send it all Love and Gratitude...and in doing so...we shed light on the Macrocosm of why we were put together..here...in this World.

Connect to the Source.

Embody what you most desire. What we ALL desire.



Unconditional Love.

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