Friday, March 6, 2009

Ode to Trav

While thinking of a message I wanted to write to my friend Travis, I suddenly decided to write him how I was feeling in poetic's the final version:

Dance Parties
In Scotland
Consist of
raGe AgAinSt
tHe MAcHiNe
and snow
in the mountains
on my first day
arriving after
a two year
of home.

And she remembered me
at Mundole Taxi...

in an unreciprocated
and the Warhorse Kipling
died while I was away...

The Garden of Cullerne
with its icing
on the grass
and the sunlight
on my fingertips
and the wind
on a mission
to keep me shivering...

the hiatus became
a realization of sorts
that even when you're away
you're still here...

this place
that I shall never forget
never forgot me...

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