Monday, October 13, 2008


I was on a search for an old letter I had written years ago. I looked everywhere. Folders, file cabinets and even inside of books....behind tables and inside boxes. Poof. Gone. Guess I might have to enlist the help of the fairies...

So, in my search, I came across some old copies of submissions from other authors. Some of them had potential and I may still use them in the future....but it was something else that struck me. The realization and passage of time. I wondered how their lives were now. I thought about past loves, loneliness and the things we do to mourn our loss. I thought about how love can be so present and full of hope with the Happily Ever After within life can change in those dreaded increments of time and how I wish we had the power to stop it...just this once...

I wrote this with all that in mind...

Wish you were here

The record needle is skipping repeatedly
a reminder
the song ended
quite some time ago

Staring out the window
a familiar routine...
followed by a sigh
of ambivalence

Time to sit up
turn the lights off
walk down the hall
ignoring the cold hardwood floor
felt on bare feet
crawl into bed
close your eyes

And then tomorrow
try to do it
all over again

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