Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You Rock, Rock

Beach diaries
September 15, 2010

At. The. Beach. Rode my bike to the estuary. The ocean is a turquoise blue with strips of white along the shore. The naked sand, in some places, are untouched by footprints. There are only swirly lines left like the wind traced designs with invisible fingers. A lone figure walks along the coast getting smaller by the minute. The clouds, just above the horizon, form a misty wall preventing any view of the islands. Flocks of birds in their infamous V-formations fly above me and beyond. So beautiful. So free. The garden of palm trees clustered together like sentinels remain firm in the background. They reassure me for some unknown reason.

The Rock that is my regular perch is the perfect place for stillness, reflection, sharing or just sitting. I watch shadows of birds in the sky glide alongside the uneven terrain as I try to capture everything I see before me.

The Sea is never still and yet has been a mirror for me many a time. In its vastness, it is a multitude of colors and movement. Greens, blues. Sparkles of white and a hint of silver. Constant. Always changing. Never to be the same ever again. Each wave is like a liquid snowflake of a memory or dream.

I fly down the path, using the Wind to gain momentum. Surfers riding waves can be seen on the peripheral. My bike and my hair are just a flash of red and pink. Clouds shaped like spaceships and dragons creep slowly across the sky. Then, it hits. I feel the urge to slow down and watch things more carefully. I hunker down like a child does. The bench hollers at me and I acquiesce. I allow the sunlight to envelop me warming my toes and insides. I notice cracks in the concrete along the wall and on the walkway. A bee flies close and I am disappointed for a split second that I am not a flower. I watch a woman unintentionally perform a trick by magically looping her purse strap into her scarf. As she walks, she tries to untangle herself of the predicament. I smile.

It is in these instances, where Life gives you a view through its open Window, that all you do is laugh and sigh with contentment...just grateful to be present for those perfect moments of Now.

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