Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Painted Sky, A Letter

For Sean

November is one of my favorite months.  At this time of year the monarch butterflies migrate and pass through here finding temporary homes in the Eucalyptus trees.  They flit about in ones and twos (or threes or fours) in search of the sweetest nectar and a peaceful place to rest.

I thought about you today, in the middle of this absolutely beautiful gorgeous day in Paradise, while I was doing my walk/run at the beach.  As I was climbing the steps to get onto the pier, the voice of the husband from South Africa (remember the sweet South African couple?) came to mind.  I have no idea why.  And I remembered your comment about how he sounded like Hannibal Lecter which resulted in shivering first because of the accuracy in that statement then smiling which transitioned into laughter.

We are so much like those butterflies. Traveling. Flitting. Transforming.  Always searching for that sweet nectar.  Home so unbelievably close but something calls us to keep searching.  For what?  Nothing.  Everything.  Anything.  A Love hinted and only whispered at.  A sliver of Joy felt once but we hope to feel again.  A sadness we ignore with that futile attempt to bury it.  A loneliness we can never shake off but we forget when we are in the company of fellow Dreamers.

I Miss You! I hope you are receiving what you desire whilst on your journey.

I've attempted several times to write down little moments or memories of my trip but I end up staring at a blank page or filling it up with mundane but current details of my life.

Like, for example, I'm sitting Here on a bench that overlooks a vast ocean.  The sand is littered with clumps of seaweed and wet wood.  From where I am there are no waves which equates to no surfers out.  The sky is a brilliant blue like something painted and too perfect.  There are slashes of white cutting across looking as though they are wings spreading high and about to take flight.  But, the best part which isn't really the warmth of the sun kissing my cheeks and neck but the soothing sounds of the waves…encouraging me…nay singing to me…a song unriddled and without words….just this Deep Love…and Comfort.

And something else…an almost invisible thread…it looks to be the remnants of a web.  It caught my attention peripherally.  In that perfect tiny sliver is a reflection…of the world..of You…of Me…of the Ocean.  And this small detail which most would overlook or miss…tells me in a whisper……………........................................ never give up……………………................................................ never forget that magic is everywhere…………….. ..............................................................................and most importantly…………………. never stop seeing Love in its amazing perfection………

I am awake now as You Are.  This is no Dream but a creation manifested with Love and Heart and Hope.

The Path is Here right under your feet.  It is but an illusion of being Lost.  It's the Discovery that this Life is the Journey of Infinite Possibilities.

You are walking and living within the Painting that is Your Life.  As Artist AND Architect.

Let's Celebrate You.  Us. And this moment.

Love You.


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