Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sometimes I live for these quiet moments. I'm one of the lucky ones. I get to experience them and remember them...then re-experience them here...

There will be these quiet moments. Those hushed, talk in whispers moments. Then, the angry moments. The loud moments. The want to scream out loud moments. Then, the passionate moments. The hungry moments. The hot on your skin moments. Then, there are the sad moments. The lost moments. The lock yourself in the bathroom crying moments. The I wish we would stop fighting moments.

Then, there are the more indescribable moments. Ones meant for songs or stories. Ones where you can only glimpse them with a sentence or two. The ones where words don't do them justice, that perhaps they weren't meant to be captured within vowels and a voice...they were simply meant to be experienced and left tingling on your fairy dust...or a thousand kisses...

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