Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mahal Du jour

Mahal Du jour
Yesterday morning we stood in a Circle and shared our Intentions before entering the Lodge. We took the time to acknowledge our Ancestors and noted the Auspiciousness of the day.  A time where the veils between the worlds were the thinnest. A chance to honor those that have passed on, where legend says the dearly departed have this one window in to visit with the living.
I talked of how I defined Family.  The Blood ties of our Ancestors and the family we are born into but also the bonds created from Spirit and Ceremony, forever linking us throughout the different dimensions. And, the ring extends out even further for me...the wonderful threads created at work and throughout my travels...

A beautiful blanket that weaves all of our stories, silence, tears, laughter, mistakes, lessons, sorrows, joys, wishes, prayers, dreams, fears Together... where the memories help to keep our hearts and souls warm on nights when it's cold and daunting.

Truly, A United Nations Kapwa where we are linked to one another across the various worlds.

My Gratitude knows no bounds.

Your Stories,
Your Voices,
Your Spirit,
Your Gifted Presence
inspires me each and every day.
(And sometimes, it's what gets me through the challenging times)

I love you...
Thank You

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