Thursday, January 3, 2008

All things encompassed...

When your fingers shape the 'V', it also symbolizes peace. For my first blog, I'm still trying to organize the thoughts running around in my head: Shall I talk about veganism or feminism? What about my favorite Vegan recipe? Or shall I remain enigmatic and speak of black shards of glass that align the insides of the Sleep Walkers?

At times everything can seem like utter nonsense...

I enjoy the medium of the written word.

Imagine a dark room. You are the sole occupant. Someone hands you a keyboard and a candle. The screen appears like a floating ghost.

The word: 'You' is displayed.

What now?

Time to dive off the platform unabashed...

full of potential.....

aplomb in tongue...

Challenging whatever strays inside......................................................................................

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