Monday, December 24, 2012

Today's DownLoad

As the Darkness of the winter season comes forth and we walk slowly towards the Dawning of the New Year and its Light... I feel called to share something that came through from The Ether:

Dear Beloveds, You Are Not Alone in the arduous task of Facing Your Fears, Surrendering To The Unknown and Walking The Path.

Awaken and Embrace the Dark and Light within.  In doing so, you Strengthen, Empower and Rejuvenate YourSelf.  When desires, pain or anger/rage etc. are suppressed and/or ignored it is akin to leaving a wound untended never allowing it to properly heal.  This merging of 'Shadow' and 'Rainbow' Selves represents a way to move towards True Balance.  We are not in perfect Harmony without this important convergence.

Our Existence in the Middle World, this realm also considered 'The World As It Is' is no accident.  Our bodies, as we breath in and out, represent the Gift of Life.  We are also vessels holding Magic, Love, Light, Soul, Spirit…and at the same time, in our very fingertips, we have the ability to instill Pain, Doubt, Dissension and yes, even Death…

It is important to acknowledge that this Paradox resides inside each and every one of us… And when we fall prey to Fear, Chaos and Destruction we sometimes forget that We Have Free Will.  

That We Ultimately Have A Choice.

Not to choose which side but to choose Wholeness and Complete Unification…

The Question Remains: Will You Face YourSelf Fully By Embracing Both Rainbow And Shadow Within?

I feel that this is the Black 'Whole' of Truth hidden in the depths of The Rainbow.  If we do not fully accept those parts of OurSelves, we are never made 'whole'. 

In this instance, 'The One' that so many search for is attested to the two halves in dire need to be made Whole again.

Here's looking at a Whole New You…

And a Whole New Year…