Sunday, December 27, 2015

He Rides The Wind

He stands there, hands stuffed deep into his pockets with the dark of Night attempting to engulf him. The earth tones of green and beige cloth only seem to magnify his Presence.   His smile and Leo Heart outshines it All.

I look away for a moment and turn towards him again, but he is gone.  I realize now I was staring
at nothing but a Shadow… a memory of him.

As I stand in the middle of the street, staring into the Void, I cling to the hope of finding a Channel to see him, hear him, sense him.

It doesn’t take long for him to ‘hear’ my Call.

A second later, he is standing before me.  This time, it is no memory.

I resist the urge to reach out so I continue my stance, smiling with my lips and heart, knowing full 
well that this moment could not stay.   I knew the inevitable would happen and the Wind would 
come calling…but for now….

We do not know the reasons why we Come Together.  Perhaps, we know that we just do.  
Yet, we talk but never about how we feel.  We share, but we do more.  In gestures, in jokes, in smiles, in whispered and hushed tones, in dreams, in tee pees and rain, in blankets with the night sky above.

We are allotted a few hours and if we’re lucky, those hours turn to days.  Then, the Wind tells 
him it’s Time and the joy I once felt becomes sadness.  Luckily, it is only temporary.  Sometimes, 
I wish it were not so.

He chooses to ride the Wind.  I have chosen Earth and Ocean.  The Ether and Fire we share with
our Hearts and Spirit.  Our Love travels beyond the Cosmos, between Lifetimes.  In this Life, we
are friends and Spirits of The Path.  To be anything more, brings the barrenness of the Unknown.  
And the Unresolved.  Are we prepared for that? I know not.  Is it what we Desire?  The Answer is 
in our Dreams.

And so I sit here, thinking of when we come together.  My hands are open and free.  One cradles
a pen, the other a blank page.  Our wishes and adventures await their time to be released into the 
world.  To have their place like the stars shining above.  

It’s at these very moments, the Dreams come…

One side of the bed is empty and I stretch out my arm to touch the Wind.  As my eyes close, I begin
to drift off to sleep and find myself in a dream within a Dream.  He is there, laying next to me with that smile.  We are laughing as we often do and I lean in closer, closer, closer still.….

‘How does a Lion ride the Wind?’ I whisper softly in his ear.  

I turn to see the expression on his face.  He looks into my eyes and all I see are his vibrant blues 
slowly turning black.  I stifle a giggle and certainly don’t wait for his reply…

‘I don’t know.  You tell me.’

Then, there is Darkness.

The laughter is what I hear when I wake up.  After some time passes, a voice from the Ether says softly, 

“Until next time.”

The room comes into view and I see my arm is still outstretched on the other side of the bed.
The sheet is still warm from the dream and all I can do is laugh as the tears fall silently down my face.
I get out of bed and move slowly towards the closed curtains.  Looking out from the veil of the window, the streets are empty and the pelting of raindrops fills the night.   I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn there is nothing but the night breeze and a silent wish.

To Wake Up and Smile.  And Dream again…

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mahal Du jour

Mahal Du jour
Yesterday morning we stood in a Circle and shared our Intentions before entering the Lodge. We took the time to acknowledge our Ancestors and noted the Auspiciousness of the day.  A time where the veils between the worlds were the thinnest. A chance to honor those that have passed on, where legend says the dearly departed have this one window in to visit with the living.
I talked of how I defined Family.  The Blood ties of our Ancestors and the family we are born into but also the bonds created from Spirit and Ceremony, forever linking us throughout the different dimensions. And, the ring extends out even further for me...the wonderful threads created at work and throughout my travels...

A beautiful blanket that weaves all of our stories, silence, tears, laughter, mistakes, lessons, sorrows, joys, wishes, prayers, dreams, fears Together... where the memories help to keep our hearts and souls warm on nights when it's cold and daunting.

Truly, A United Nations Kapwa where we are linked to one another across the various worlds.

My Gratitude knows no bounds.

Your Stories,
Your Voices,
Your Spirit,
Your Gifted Presence
inspires me each and every day.
(And sometimes, it's what gets me through the challenging times)

I love you...
Thank You

Like Liquid

Like Liquid Fire...
We are not the dying embers of hate and fear but 
a Collective of great bonfires fueled by our ecstatic desire-filled fierce FIRE. 
Have some of us forgotten Who We Are?

We are reminded every day of our mortality and 
how our one lifetime is but a ripple in a vast lake of Eternities.

We Create and Destroy, Weep and Smile, 
Open and Close the invisible bars around our hearts...

And Yet We Fall, then, 
We RISE and 
We somehow Persevere...

This Knowing is immeasurable and insatiable...
This surge of Spirit pulsing through me...these words like liquid 
pouring out of me...

Freedom is not just Imagining but Dreaming our Worlds INTO BEing...
Where our choices are birthed from our hearts and the deep bellies of 

Fear not, Dear Ones, Beautiful Shiny Sparkly Stars that you ARE...
The Invitation has always been there to...
Dance Pray Sing Laugh Release Create

Come PLAY...Burn Bright! 
heart emotico


Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Silence in Fall

We followed the path as it twisted and turned, occasionally looking up to the sky...smiling in between each step.  We found this particular spot by listening to the Canyon's synchronistic silence. As the wind blew, softly caressing our cheeks, the leaves fell like twisting colorful ribbons...reminding us of the Season as we transition and reflect, preparing our minds, hearts and spirits for the shadow of Winter. We stood there entranced with this impromptu dance, 
watching with gratitude and admiration.

Our bench awaited us, a wise old grey tree with wrinkled bark and thorns.  The leaves crunched underneath our feet as we continued to watch the Great Mother unfold the scene before us. 

Earth and air, stone and stream.  The surface deceptive as hundreds of leaves floated on top, giving the illusion it is a solid path for your next steps.

We sat in silence some more, lips slightly open with awe and we dreaded the moment when it was time to leave.  The longing began to rise within me so we made a pact to return. Returning Home is bittersweet for the time away seems like an eternity.

It is here in Nature where I can release what lays heavy on my heart.  Where each beginning has no end and illusions reveal themselves to be what they truly are...

It's where Home is unbelievably close and nothing else exists.  Where the wind whispers, reminding you of the Silence in Fall and how beautiful the leaves dance....

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fuel for My Fire...

I have realized that the fuel of my inner fire is partially fed by the amazing people in my life. This segment I'm sharing with you is part of a letter I wrote to a dear friend and fellow Dreamer...
'So much of my Path for the past 6 years has been this Journey through so many different Windows...the Guides have shown up in the most magical ways...some through Ceremony and some whilst I was traipsing through Europe when our paths crossed.  
And Here We Are. The same but different. Our faces no longer innocent but with hints of heartache.... No Regrets, right?  For what we have experienced always is intended to peel the layers of our armor....exposing our most wonderful treasures, the hidden parts we no longer can hide.....the Soul and Essence of our BEing and the HEARTh of our inner fires that fuel our creativity and nourish us so we can continue moving forward...because there are times when I ask... Why? Why keep going? 
Because even in this vast existence where we are but grains of sand and there's an Entire Ocean of Mystery out there, we were put Here to bring Love, Beauty, Grace and Compassion into this World.  
We are the Warriors of the Spirit and Heart.  The Swords we carry are not the conventional weapons of past times but consist of Steel that stems from our Inner Most Truth and a hilt containing the Deepest Love this Earth has ever known. 
We fight not for war but for Love and Peace.  
We dance and sing to Celebrate Who We Are.  
We Create to Nourish What We Hold Dear.  
We love for neither gain or notoriety but because it is the very essence of Who We Truly Are, the ones that Dream True.  
We, the Dreamers and Dancers, are the Magical Manifestors that roam this the hopes of meeting one another along The Way..
We Live Within the Mystery and bathe in Shadow and Light from the Heavenly Skies.. 
You Are Seen. You Are Loved. You Are Celebrated. 
Now it's your turn. Update me. :0)'

Saturday, April 11, 2015

sleep tonight

I find myself unable to sleep tonight. The chatter within is especially incessant. As I close my eyes, I am taken back to Saturday. That morning, our women's Lodge took place where nearly 40 sisters gathered. The different generations were represented as were the many nations. We laughed, we cried, we sang, we drummed. And through our Blood, Sweat, Tears and Spirits...this sacred ceremony deepened our connection to each other and ourselves...the stone people whispered to us, carrying the messages of our ancestors...reminding us again and again of Who We Are. Children of the Earth. Shining Stars of the Cosmos.
Tonight, in the silence of this hour, whilst I battle this insomnia I begin to question Everything. Doubt seeps in, crawling close as it often does. It is in moments like these, I think of our last Lodge...
As I lay there in the dirt, the heat covering me like a blanket, I wrestle with what brought me there. The struggles, the hurts, the patterns I'd like to break free from.
The Blackness Within merges with the darkness inside the Lodge and I find it challenging to breathe. My chest is heavy and I think, "Am I going to make it through this?" A question often asked inside and outside the Lodge.
Then, a Sister begins her song and everything is different. Our voices reach out and connect together like the branches of our Lodge. We sit together in this Circle, sharing from the Heart and become the Voice of many.
Even now, I can still hear the songs we sang that day. Sleep may not come but my Sisters are always with me and for that, I am forever grateful.