He stands there, hands stuffed deep into his pockets with the dark of Night attempting to engulf him. The earth tones of green and beige cloth only seem to magnify his Presence. His smile and Leo Heart outshines it All.
I look away for a moment and turn towards him again, but he is gone. I realize now I was staring
at nothing but a Shadow… a memory of him.
As I stand in the middle of the street, staring into the Void, I cling to the hope of finding a Channel to see him, hear him, sense him.
It doesn’t take long for him to ‘hear’ my Call.
A second later, he is standing before me. This time, it is no memory.
I resist the urge to reach out so I continue my stance, smiling with my lips and heart, knowing full
well that this moment could not stay. I knew the inevitable would happen and the Wind would
come calling…but for now….
We do not know the reasons why we Come Together. Perhaps, we know that we just do.
Yet, we talk but never about how we feel. We share, but we do more. In gestures, in jokes, in smiles, in whispered and hushed tones, in dreams, in tee pees and rain, in blankets with the night sky above.
We are allotted a few hours and if we’re lucky, those hours turn to days. Then, the Wind tells
him it’s Time and the joy I once felt becomes sadness. Luckily, it is only temporary. Sometimes,
I wish it were not so.
He chooses to ride the Wind. I have chosen Earth and Ocean. The Ether and Fire we share with
our Hearts and Spirit. Our Love travels beyond the Cosmos, between Lifetimes. In this Life, we
are friends and Spirits of The Path. To be anything more, brings the barrenness of the Unknown.
And the Unresolved. Are we prepared for that? I know not. Is it what we Desire? The Answer is
in our Dreams.
And so I sit here, thinking of when we come together. My hands are open and free. One cradles
a pen, the other a blank page. Our wishes and adventures await their time to be released into the
world. To have their place like the stars shining above.
It’s at these very moments, the Dreams come…
One side of the bed is empty and I stretch out my arm to touch the Wind. As my eyes close, I begin
to drift off to sleep and find myself in a dream within a Dream. He is there, laying next to me with that smile. We are laughing as we often do and I lean in closer, closer, closer still.….
‘How does a Lion ride the Wind?’ I whisper softly in his ear.
I turn to see the expression on his face. He looks into my eyes and all I see are his vibrant blues
slowly turning black. I stifle a giggle and certainly don’t wait for his reply…
‘I don’t know. You tell me.’
Then, there is Darkness.
The laughter is what I hear when I wake up. After some time passes, a voice from the Ether says softly,
“Until next time.”
The room comes into view and I see my arm is still outstretched on the other side of the bed.
The sheet is still warm from the dream and all I can do is laugh as the tears fall silently down my face.
I get out of bed and move slowly towards the closed curtains. Looking out from the veil of the window, the streets are empty and the pelting of raindrops fills the night. I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn there is nothing but the night breeze and a silent wish.
To Wake Up and Smile. And Dream again…