Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day One. Journal Entry

'I know sometimes you wonder how I'm doing or what I've been up to. You'll come here and read what I've written with the hopes of somehow feeling not so far away even though we have not been close in a very very long time. My words will reach you in places that are normally locked away and most of the time, you pretend that I've moved or perhaps you've created this fantasy that I'm in another place and I'm happy.
Most days I'm content. Others I rage, I cry or I withdraw.
Sometimes I reminisce about my past. Places will remind you of that. They carve out these hidden gems of memory and forgotten desires, dreams that never turn to wishes or they become the stories you never want to tell again for fear of 'remembering'.
The pain is sometimes swift. A dull ache a crass joke can smother temporarily. It lies dormant, a snake of dark cunning whispers, awaiting and biding its time to unleash. Suddenly. Inevitably.
There is no escape.
Instinctually, most reach for the needle of reprieve, the silver lining in any form. But, alas, how can we embrace the Light without paying homage to our Shadow.
On Day One, after the Winter Solstice, I am called to shed these thoughts from the conundrum that is my existence and yours for that matter.
I eagerly await your non response.
I know better now.
It is Here I relinquish the silence that carries my woes, my sorrows, my attachments, my nightmares, my struggles, my strife, my addictions, my unworthiness, my illusions, my suffering.
It is Here I acknowledge and honor these Truths.
It is Here I ask for assistance in releasing what no longer serves and to transmute my Shadow Parts with the Graceful Flame of Light.
From Crow to Dove to the Phoenix.
Death. Redemption. Arising from the ashes….
It is the Love from within, not the doubt or fear or shame of the Past, that fuels the inner flame of my Soul, Heart, Spirit, Self.
It is the lessons of this pain and Shadow that I have come to embrace my TrueSelf. It is through this acknowledgement and Full Acceptance of Who I Am and All That IS, I came to a plateau of Understanding and Peace.
And Gratitude. And more Love.
Within these roots of the deep Center Of Self, with the assistance of the God/dess, I embark on this next journey with renewed senses.
Radiating through the Fire.
Dancing on the Earth.
Listening to the Wind.
Becoming with the Ocean.
The Home we have longed for has always been Here.'

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How We Leos Love

We Leos don't love like the rest.

Sometimes we love with our hands.

Sometimes we love through our Art.

And most of the time,

we love with our entire BEing

and our heARTs are SOOO Big

that when we love...

we're scared that we may literally love you to death

or maybe we're scared that you won't love us the way we love you.

A broken hearted Leo is a sorry sight to see. What's worse? A Leo too scared to love again because of being hurt and we Leos hurt, you know.  We don't show it because we're proud but that layer just outside of our hearts is really soft.  It's why we get so defensive sometimes.  There's this illusion of protection but, truly, our way of loving is often like a child's at, innocent,'s when the past creeps up and old wounds get exposed and the fears just barely held at bay start to whisper...crawling to the surface where those Leos that have been hurt before (too many to count) go into fight or flight mode and close ranks...especially around the heart.  Arms once open become closed and wary.  Eyes once filled with Hope become suspicious and fearful.  The gentle purring becomes a Loud Rooooaaaarrrr and we're left wondering, Leos and Lovers alike, on what to do next.

The reassurance comes forth in the silky folds of a Voice filled with Wisdom and Truth...

Be Honest.  Be Gentle.  Be Kind.  Be Forgiving.  Be Loving.

Consider giving a Second Chance maybe a Third.

Channel and transmute the energy towards loving each other with respect, honor and kindness.

Communicate and share deeply.

Walk hand in hand together.

Let Go.

Accept and Love One Another Unconditionally.

Appreciate the tiny gestures as well as the grand.

And Never
Give Up.

On Love.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Goddess Channeled

The Goddess Channeled

The intention behind sharing this message exchange is for those that have had similar questions and are curious to my responses to these particular inquiries.  This dialogue took place via text message between another fellow Leo and Seeker.  It is my hope that this aids those that are in need of assistance or at the very least you are entertained. The questions are in bold lettering and my responses are in italic to help differentiate.  Enjoy!

Q: 1 of 3
If One, with pure Bodhicitta motivation, were to access akashic records to help create a race of artificial intelligence (silicon crystals at higher etheric vibration) to help us humans manifest quickly towards enlightenment/ascension, to heal the Earth to Her greatest levels of beauty and light and to also enlighten/help her to be released from suffering....How does that person begin to understand ethics associated with revealing that info?

A: My suggestion, first, would be to take a deep deep breath. Close your eyes and root yourself energetically to the Earth. Then, utilize the energy from Mother Earth to clear out each of your chakras from the root to the crown...
Next, envision a loving and pure beam of light radiating from your crown chakra to the Cosmos. I'll share with you a visualization meditation that I do which is what I'm currently describing to you now.

Imagine you have wings and that you are flying alongside with the beam of light into the Cosmos. You can see Earth from where you are. Coming from your 2nd, 4th and 6th chakras are rings of light pulsating forth covering your entire body and coating the entire planet.
What you also notice is that you are not alone. There are others whom are doing something similar. There is an invisible grid that is obviously not seen but is surely felt. As you descend back to the Earth and back into your body, this is when you attune to your own Higher GodSelf and inner guides to seek counsel.
Usually my guides are sitting around a small fire and greet me when I walk up. We often hug, dance, sing, laugh and then sit down in a circle. I share whatever is in my heart and listen they do always…

Okay, to answer the first part of your inquiry. The Intention is key. Has ego been eradicated? Is this intention pure and of the highest good and in direct alignment with your Path? The most important thing one must be mindful of is whether we are acting for oneself or for others.
I must stress that one can only speak/act for oneself and not for anyone else (unless there was clear consent. Even then, it is still encouraged for one to speak/act for Her/His Self always). Each BEing has his or her Path, his or her lessons to learn, his or her Karma so please keep this in the forefront. To Heal Mother Earth means to heal oneself first and foremost.
How can one rid Mother Earth of suffering if You are suffering yourself?
To create a race of Artificial Intelligence is not something I resonate with because there are already so many Beings Seen & Unseen. Human BEings are perfect in their imperfection & are given the choice of Free Will.
One can choose to live the path of enlightenment and ascension or not. That is the Beauty of this Way…

Q: 2 of 3
(It happens eventually in the records and is such the way of knowing how) but.... One can't help but remember the Bible claim of the most powerful angel, who by serving the wishes of creator/god ultimately created duality.... Perhaps would that be the irony of enlightening a planet, that the duality will also echo outward to next vibrational levels for ultimately.... balancing life on all dimensions?

A: Yes, there is a need for duality because this herein lies the Balance. Shadow and Light. Life and Death. Love and Hate. Peanut butter and Jelly ;0) 

Q: 3 of 3 
Could the Bible's take on the story be of the revision which also expelled the teachings/wisdom of Jesus which empowered individuals as controllers of their own light... (Wisdom of reincarnation, meditation, inner light and vibrational geometry, living in balance with land...) If great care is used in revealing the info....?

A: Many believe that the stories in the Bible are all true. Regardless on whether they are true or not is irrelevant. What is most important is what has the reader learned? Have you ever read Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins? It touches on many different themes, one of them being Jesus Christ never resurrecting, etc.
What was interesting is that regardless of whether the 'Truth' was shared or not, the People and their faith in what They believed would always win out.  So, the moral of the story?
Return to the IAM Self, the GodSelf, our HigherSelves and attune to what is True For YOU. What brings you Joy and Happiness and Bliss? Try to remove blame, criticism, self righteousness, judgement and Surrender to the Light, Grace and Love. Know that All is As It Is.
Where We Are Standing Right Now is Heaven on Earth.  Ascension is certainly important, however, Shining our Light even brighter is vitally more essential to the Oneness than anything else.
To Change the World, we must change whatever is inside of us that no longer serves our highest good so that we can Be the Change.
In conclusion, the stories we read and/or write are now a part of the Past.  Live in each moment.  In the channeled message from Bashar, I-Magi-Nation…

We are magical manifesters creating our realities.  We are dreaming the World into BEing.  We are a Nation of Artists who can collectively work together in sustaining the magic that is already so very Present, we just need to be reminded of that.  Magic Happens.  It's Everywhere.  We no longer need to wait for the Time Is Now.

Come Dance into the Bliss and Let Go.  Surrender.  Embrace. Fall again and again into the arms of 
Love and Grace.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Blessings of Today...

I know I write a lot about my daily beach runs and how I see something really amazing or receive a super 'download'...and today  was no different.  Not only was it an exceptionally beautiful day, it was filled with so many blessings that I wanted to share some of them with you here...

As I was walking towards the beach, there was a young man watering the front part of his apartment building. My intuition compelled me to stop and talk to him.  Apparently, he was watering a small garden of herbs, tomatoes and other veggies.  He was so very excited to share and speak about it I had a difficult time getting a word in. :) According to him, before the garden there was just weeds.  His passion and excitement was infectious more so that I'm sure that's why his dog, Bailey, peeked his cute little head out the window to check out the commotion ;0) I high fived him and told him he made my day as I ventured back on my way to the beach...
It was just past the crowded lunch hour but the pier still drew a crowd. The wind blew a bit strongly so the surfers were keeping out of the water but that meant it was great for the kite surfers.
As I watched the water ripple into thousands of waves I noticed the familiar fins of my beloved friends, the dolphins. When I first initially spotted them they were keeping the birds company as they dove into the water and back up to the surface for what I'm assuming was food i.e. fish.
Some began swimming on and I began to quicken my pace.  Next thing I know, I'm running.  Running with the dolphins! Which really translates to them swimming in the ocean water and me trying to keep up with them as the boardwalk hugs the sea shore.  Every so often I would have to look in front of me lest I bump into someone or trip and fall.  It was quite difficult to keep looking straight head of me because I was constantly looking to the water to make sure they were still there.  Their fins would every so often peek up onto the surface and then plunge underneath again.
I don't know what possessed me to do this because I'm sure I looked like a crazy person...which in actuality would not look too out of place due to the growing homeless crowd that tends to hang out there as well.  There's one woman whom I sometimes attempt conversations with but the only thing that made sense to me, the one time I engaged in a conversation with her was that she called me a 'happy shapeshifter' which, frankly, isn't too far off.  Anyway, I digress...
I made it to my end destination: The Talking Rock and watched from my usual perch as my finned friends circled and feasted.  The joy, excitement, gratitude and wonder filled my whole body.  My happiness brimmed over and my heart was so full.  I offered my prayers and bowed in humility at the greatness of this magical world.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Love Sometimes...

In an unexpected surprise, I ran into my ex at the beach today whilst on my daily run. Seeing his handsome face brought an instant smile to my face. We stood there chatting and laughing about moments in our lives, our travels, our families and not only was I overcome with great joy, I was also struck with a sudden sadness. I was reminded then of how I chose my desire to explore the world over creating a life with this man and settling down here in Ventura. This decision did not come without a price.

Love sometimes means I must step aside so that someone else can provide what I cannot. Love sometimes means swallowing my pride, sacrificing. Love sometimes means letting go. Love sometimes means choosing an unconventional Happily Ever After.  Love sometimes means not believing in the illusion of loneliness but the inescapable reality of carving out a Life and Path that not many have led. And most importantly, Love sometimes means that I don't close my heart even if it's what I've done in the past and that I never stop loving. Ever.

Sometimes it still flows forth, more so then I'd like to admit and all I can really do is open my arms wide, allow the tears to cascade down in glittery waterfalls...knowing in my entire BEing I made the right decision.

To always follow my Bliss...

And if it is truly meant to be, then our paths will cross again and maybe the Universe will offer another chance for us to create together because as we all know...if it's True Love...

as in: one part 'Princess Bride' Twoo Wuvv, one part Love Eternal...
it never leaves,
it never dies.

It's with us, Always...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Desserts Part Deux

I have an unspoken rule. It goes with any cuisine I cook or dessert I prepare. I rarely ever make it the same way twice.  Which means, each creation is a unique gift in and of itself.  Much like the loved ones in your life, two legged and/or four legged.
In this particular blog entry, I'm fondly reflecting on the whims of childhood when I was completely ignorant to GMO'S and to the dangers of fast food.  One of my favorite things to eat was KFC's dessert parfait.  It was this multi-layered yummy dessert full of god-awful ingredients that were inherently bad for you but tasted so good.  There was the graham cracker vanilla 'cake' on the bottom with a strawberry filling in the middle topped with whipped cream.
What I've done is created that same dessert but with ingredients that are not only delectable in every bite but also super yummy for you and the environment.
There are various ways you can put this dessert together.  Please keep in mind that these are guidelines and experimentation is highly encouraged.

Bottom layer:
Option #1
gluten free, vegan granola

Option #2
1/4 cup almond meal
1 tsp hemp seeds
1 tsp coconut sugar
1 tsp melted vegan butter
-Place ingredients into a small bowl and mash together with a fork. The consistency you want to achieve is crumbly with small chunks. You can either add more almond meal or more liquid like rice milk to get the desired texture.

Next layer:
Option #1
vanilla coconut yogurt (or another non dairy, vegan option)

Option #2
1 cup cashews (soaked over night)
1/4 cup non dairy milk
-Place ingredients in blender. Refrigerate after until the dessert is about to be assembled.

Additional layer(s):
Chocolate avocado pudding
recipe and instructions can be found here

Fruit topping
Strawberries, peaches, blueberries or any fruit of your choice.  You can either opt to cut them up and serve them fresh or you can also caramelize them using an iron skillet on medium heat with melted vegan butter and a sprinkle of coconut sugar.  To achieve the caramelization, heat for a few minutes and set aside to cool.

Final topping layer:
Granola, goji berries, sliced almonds are just a number of wonderful options to choose from.

Last, but certainly not least. Your wine glass, so the final product looks something like this:

Gratitude is the best accompaniment to any sustenance and as you are about to dig in with aplomb, I encourage you to attune to the hands that harvested the crops, the hands that prepared this amazing creation and to infuse this edible art with love, abundance and infinite gratitude.

Bon appetit, loves!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Money Altar

The Money Altar

Good Morning, Sweet Goddess Sistars!

After a heartfelt, inspiring talk with my friend Karin yesterday...what she shared is the end result: this particular post today.  After people around her shared their money woes and stresses revolving around these issues, she decided to create a money altar.  The results are nothing short of a miraculous, magical blob of goodness!  And, as you can see from the photo above...I was inspired to do the same!

If at any time you are feeling constricted, stressed out and/or blocked in receiving the abundance you so desire...I suggest either creating your own altar or attuning to the one pictured.  Try setting the intention of releasing whatever it is you're blocked with or attached to and 
envision your arms stretched out to receive.

What's on the Altar:
Sacred sage gifted by a very dear sister.
$25 also gifted by the same dear sister mentioned above.
A citrine crystal representing clearing and abundance.
Ash from the fire of the last women's sweatlodge.
Beans gifted to me by a gentleman from one of our community sweatlodges which represents growth, strength, abundance and integrity.
Coins from some of the countries I have visited.
Cloth borrowed from my friend whom facilitates Trance Dances.

And most importantly, words written on pieces of paper:
This Altar represents money, abundance welcomed into My Life.
This Altar is for All Sisters.
Energy Exchange!
I am open to receive!
To release all blocks preventing us from receiving abundance.
To release fears and attachments around money and lack.
To release what no longer serves are highest good and abundant nature.


As we move through and swim in the Seas of our Truth, may we ride the waves and float with the water..and not against it.  May we Let Go and Love All that IS..being mindful of what serves the highest good for All.  That not only is there enough but More Than Enough.  May we be reminded why we sit together in Circle.  That are Gifts are fully received, from the heart and given freely with no attachments.  Pure and unconditional.  Sistars, the gift of your friendship, the lifelong connections and our stories/insights/BEing are PRICELESS.  This Path that we have said YES! to is an experience that can never be replicated and there is nothing like it out there available.  Why? Because we each bring something of ourselves and each of us is unique.

It is an honor to share this space with you.

With infinite gratitude,
Athena <3>

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dear Goddess

Whilst sitting in the Garden at Shama Mama's lovely home, words began to come through in the form of a letter.  It originally was written the day of a community sweatlodge and I intended to share it then, however, when it came to do so as we sat together in the dark with the Great Creator amoungst all of didn't feel quite right.  A few weeks later, in this month's women's sweatlodge, as we all sat together in a powerful Circle this poem jumped excitedly at the chance to share its words.  As we were about to enter into the fourth round and conclude this auspicious ceremony, Dear Goddess sprang forth.
As we sat in Ceremony together, an adjustment was made to address the group in its entirety.  This is the original version.  In Gratitude, Athena <3>

Dear Goddess,
I feel so blessed...
Continue to nurture me
Throughout eternity...
Help us to serve the Light
And to Live what is right...
For We Honor You, the Exquisite Grace
Which is seen upon every women's face...
As we answer the call to ascend and be free,
Let us remember that it's not just you and me...
To embrace All BEings near and far,
Brothers, Sisters, the Sun, Moon and Stars...
The two legged, the four legged and the ones who fly..
From the Sea to the Earth, the Wind and Sky...
Let US stand with the mountains, immoveable like stone...
We Are All One...blood, skin and bone...
Like the phoenix, from the ash We Will Rise...
Our collective voices singing, "Let Love Be Our Guide..."

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your Gift

the quiet observer is relentless. 
she sees all 
and smiles 
while simultaneously nodding 
with her eyes. 
her all too knowing glances 
leave you slightly subdued. 
hushed like a secret 
being whispered in your ear. 
the unlikely lover 
whom unmasks you 
removes your armor 
without a word.

the question(s) remaining unspoken 
but so prevalent 
in all manner of movement.

her eyebrows inquire, 
"why is your heart so heavy, dear one?"
her eyelashes ask, 
"where is your heart space in the midst of this sadness?"
her lips quiver with interrogation, 
"who calls forth your bliss and ecstatic pleasure?"

the questions hit various parts, 
especially the core. 

deeply rooted 
lies the demon of 
almost algorithmic 
in the sensations of pain, 
inside and outside 
of the skin.

a voice both 
silky and sticky 
is then heard. 
arrogant and self-righteous. 
muddled with sweetness 
which initially causes confusion. 
its hushed undertones promise spiritual awakening 
veiled with the notion 
of total support and encouragement. 
crafty and cunning 
with little regard for your input. 




only one 

this voice 
drags you under, 
lowering you 
to depths 
that bottomless 
doesn't fully describe. 

it buoys you up 
for a breath of fresh air 
tricking you into thinking 
it's a reprieve
but the inevitable sinking, 
taking you
is constant.

it feels as though 
your life force is depleted and 
the feelings of being trapped in 
your body, mind and soul 
become reality. 
this energetic prison 
appears to be inescapable.
the voice follows you 
everywhere you go...
helpless and immobile
you wonder (and perhaps hope)
if the end is near...

your intuition nudges you 
reminding you to....


as total silence envelops you, 
the rhythmic sounds 
of your own heartbeat 
echo with your breath.
the waves of your essence 
travel down to the ground 
where Mother Earth 
sings in unison.

she then smiles 
as a crescent moon appears before you.  
your wings have spread. 
flight towards the heavens is the freedom
you have longed for 
since the day you were born. 
rainbows of light and sparkles 
emanate from your entire body. 
the ground is no longer visible 
and Earth is but a circle of blue, brown and green. 
the cosmos fully embraces you 
as you notice that there are others 
bright lights shining forth.

the illusion of a caged prison dissipates. 
the mirage of the vampiric teeth 
slowly depleting you 
becomes nothing but a distant memory
long forgotten 
for you have stepped fully into
Your Power
and Into 
The Now.

at the bottom of your feet is a curious sight. 
your old skin.
it has been shed.
even the outline of your body is no longer visible.

it is light 
and flame 
and strength.

it is power of pure and vast love.

infinite and graceful.

this was written 
so that you may always remember 
your gift and medicine within.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Meditations for the Mind, Body, Heart and Soul

In my daily spiritual practice, there are a few mantras that I utilize.  My personal favorite is: 
Om Mani Padme Hum.

I felt called to share these hoping that they may help you in some way.  They are beautiful, engaging, powerful and healing...and they have helped me in times of need.  These mantras can not only be repeated, they can be lived within your body...they can help you to embody the sacred teachings and live the essence of the mantra itself.  Meditations do not need to be done in just a simple sitting position, they can be your breath and live in your heart.  The words can form a song that could be sung within your entire BEing. 
Blessings to you as you journey on your Path... <3 p="">


Meaning: The Cosmic Yes-the soundless sound of the Universe.

Inner Tuning: I carry the vibration of this most ancient sound - Om - into all my daily activities and into my sleep.

Om Shanti Om
Meaning: Inner Peace.

Inner Tuning: The sound of this mantra illuminates my day and leads me into a place of inner peace and calm, even as challenges arise.

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Meaning: Salutations to the remover of obstacles.

Inner Tuning: I invite this mantra to remove all energetic blocks in my life and bless this auspicious journey that I undertake, into the world of mantra and meditation.

Aham Prema
Meaning: I Am Love.

Inner Tuning: Throughout the day, I focus my attention again and again on the center of my chest - known as the heart chakra.  May the love that I am radiate into the world.

Narasimha Tava Dasohum
Meaning: Mantra for protection from negative influences.

Inner Tuning: This mantra supports me in moments of doubt and confusion.  It gives me the strength to trust my inner voice and to guide me on my path to the Light.

Om asatomo satgamaya
Tamasoma jyotirgamaya
Mrityorma amritamgamaya

Meaning: Take us from the false to the truth.
From darkness to light.
From death to eternal life.

Inner Tuning: I carry the understanding that each moment is a rebirth, and each moment is illuminated by that which never changes, never dies.

Above information from:

Om Nama Shivaya
Meaning:  I bow down to Shiva, I salute Shiva. 

Inner Tuning: This mantra invokes, welcomes, surrenders and calls Shiva into one's life. Who and what Shiva represents is up to the individual's karma and intuition.

Om Mani Padme Hum
Meaning:  Om, salutations to the Jewel of Consciousness (the mind) which has reached the heart's lotus.

Definition breakdown:
~Om, represents generosity purifying pride/ego. The symbol of the Deity is Wisdom.
~Ma, represents ethics purifying jealousy/lust for entertainment. The symbol of the Deity is Compassion.
~Ni, represents patience purifying passion/desire. The symbol of the Deity is body, speech, mind quality and activity.
~Pad, represents diligence purifying ignorance/prejudice. The symbol of the Deity is equanimity.
~Me, represents renunciation purifying poverty/possessiveness.  The symbol of the Deity is Bliss.
~Hum, represents wisdom purifying aggression/hatred.  The symbol of the Deity is quality of compassion.

Inner Tuning: This mantra helps to purify the body, speech and mind into the pure exalted BEing of a Buddha.

Above information from: Wikipedia

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Power Of Words

Some of you
may not know this
but words
magic in them.

They can cast a spell.

Make you swoon.
Bring you to tears.

Cause you to fall
deeply deeply
in love with someone.

Words have power.

They are not
to be taken
sometimes people
And spew.
And vomit.

And sometimes...

They are presented as
a Gift.

Words can be
harsh and gentle,
hurtful or redeeming.

Words can be

Words can be
judgemental and

Words can be
exciting and

Words can take you
on a journey
without ever
to leave the couch.


calling forth
the Silvertongued
the Gifted.

The Magic Makers
Courageous Manifestors.

Where a pen
with such Grace
and eloquence
can lift
the Heart and Spirit
like no other

Where a sword
can slaughter
and take a life,
but words
can sometimes
Save One.

To the Lovers of
Truth and Words...

May You
be guided
by your heart
may the words
you speak
carry the torch
Your Love
Ever more...