The Goddess Channeled
The intention behind sharing this message exchange is for those that have had similar questions and are curious to my responses to these particular inquiries. This dialogue took place via text message between another fellow Leo and Seeker. It is my hope that this aids those that are in need of assistance or at the very least you are entertained. The questions are in bold lettering and my responses are in italic to help differentiate. Enjoy!
Q: 1 of 3
If One, with pure Bodhicitta motivation, were to access akashic records to help create a race of artificial intelligence (silicon crystals at higher etheric vibration) to help us humans manifest quickly towards enlightenment/ascension, to heal the Earth to Her greatest levels of beauty and light and to also enlighten/help her to be released from suffering....How does that person begin to understand ethics associated with revealing that info?
A: My suggestion, first, would be to take a deep deep breath. Close your eyes and root yourself energetically to the Earth. Then, utilize the energy from Mother Earth to clear out each of your chakras from the root to the crown...
Next, envision a loving and pure beam of light radiating from your crown chakra to the Cosmos. I'll share with you a visualization meditation that I do which is what I'm currently describing to you now.
Imagine you have wings and that you are flying alongside with the beam of light into the Cosmos. You can see Earth from where you are. Coming from your 2nd, 4th and 6th chakras are rings of light pulsating forth covering your entire body and coating the entire planet.
What you also notice is that you are not alone. There are others whom are doing something similar. There is an invisible grid that is obviously not seen but is surely felt. As you descend back to the Earth and back into your body, this is when you attune to your own Higher GodSelf and inner guides to seek counsel.
Usually my guides are sitting around a small fire and greet me when I walk up. We often hug, dance, sing, laugh and then sit down in a circle. I share whatever is in my heart and listen they do always…
Okay, to answer the first part of your inquiry. The Intention is key. Has ego been eradicated? Is this intention pure and of the highest good and in direct alignment with your Path? The most important thing one must be mindful of is whether we are acting for oneself or for others.
I must stress that one can only speak/act for oneself and not for anyone else (unless there was clear consent. Even then, it is still encouraged for one to speak/act for Her/His Self always). Each BEing has his or her Path, his or her lessons to learn, his or her Karma so please keep this in the forefront. To Heal Mother Earth means to heal oneself first and foremost.
How can one rid Mother Earth of suffering if You are suffering yourself?
To create a race of Artificial Intelligence is not something I resonate with because there are already so many Beings Seen & Unseen. Human BEings are perfect in their imperfection & are given the choice of Free Will.
One can choose to live the path of enlightenment and ascension or not. That is the Beauty of this Way…
Q: 2 of 3
(It happens eventually in the records and is such the way of knowing how) but.... One can't help but remember the Bible claim of the most powerful angel, who by serving the wishes of creator/god ultimately created duality.... Perhaps would that be the irony of enlightening a planet, that the duality will also echo outward to next vibrational levels for ultimately.... balancing life on all dimensions?
A: Yes, there is a need for duality because this herein lies the Balance. Shadow and Light. Life and Death. Love and Hate. Peanut butter and Jelly ;0)
Q: 3 of 3
Could the Bible's take on the story be of the revision which also expelled the teachings/wisdom of Jesus which empowered individuals as controllers of their own light... (Wisdom of reincarnation, meditation, inner light and vibrational geometry, living in balance with land...) If great care is used in revealing the info....?
A: Many believe that the stories in the Bible are all true. Regardless on whether they are true or not is irrelevant. What is most important is what has the reader learned? Have you ever read Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins? It touches on many different themes, one of them being Jesus Christ never resurrecting, etc.
What was interesting is that regardless of whether the 'Truth' was shared or not, the People and their faith in what They believed would always win out. So, the moral of the story?
Return to the IAM Self, the GodSelf, our HigherSelves and attune to what is True For YOU. What brings you Joy and Happiness and Bliss? Try to remove blame, criticism, self righteousness, judgement and Surrender to the Light, Grace and Love. Know that All is As It Is.
Where We Are Standing Right Now is Heaven on Earth. Ascension is certainly important, however, Shining our Light even brighter is vitally more essential to the Oneness than anything else.
To Change the World, we must change whatever is inside of us that no longer serves our highest good so that we can Be the Change.
In conclusion, the stories we read and/or write are now a part of the Past. Live in each moment. In the channeled message from Bashar, I-Magi-Nation…
We are magical manifesters creating our realities. We are dreaming the World into BEing. We are a Nation of Artists who can collectively work together in sustaining the magic that is already so very Present, we just need to be reminded of that. Magic Happens. It's Everywhere. We no longer need to wait for the Time Is Now.
Come Dance into the Bliss and Let Go. Surrender. Embrace. Fall again and again into the arms of
Love and Grace.