Wednesday, July 29, 2009

RSN-Random Side Note

This originally was written to be a letter. Then, I quickly realized where it needed to be.

For you. For me...

So, there are some things that will always remain a mystery to me. And I'm okay with that.

The existence of toe hairs on men. Why Gwen Stefani sings about bananas. Who would win in a fight between Barbara Streisand and Robert Smith (of The Cure)........

....... why certain men/women in my life choose to remain enigmatic. The elusive nature of some individuals have certainly spawned many a sonnet or story. Perhaps that's what initially attracts me to these 'archetypal' conundrums....regardless of gender.

The invitation to hang out with family........ if it were a normal occurence.
The sharing of childhood memories, both traumatic and inspirational.
The collaboration of creation...with an unhappily, silent ever after.

rinse. repeat. not dry at all.

Innuendos. Mother/Father shadowed in partners. Relationships.

Sex utilized as a pleasurable torment. Sometimes a gun.
Haven't you ever played Russian Roulette with your genitals?


And I have found redemption, so to speak, within myself. Sitting still. In silence.

The visions I see in my meditations help with making sense of my mere existence.

Some answers have come in the form of conversations...usually with the Dead.

Have you ever asked: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing?

If you sit long enough and listen...
you'll get your answers.

Trust me.

They say: be open.
listen to your breath.
sit with the present moment.

If you are reading these words..then you know.

We are all connected.
We are all here.

The world is what you make it.

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