In my daily spiritual practice, there are a few mantras that I utilize. My personal favorite is:
Om Mani Padme Hum.
I felt called to share these hoping that they may help you in some way. They are beautiful, engaging, powerful and healing...and they have helped me in times of need. These mantras can not only be repeated, they can be lived within your body...they can help you to embody the sacred teachings and live the essence of the mantra itself. Meditations do not need to be done in just a simple sitting position, they can be your breath and live in your heart. The words can form a song that could be sung within your entire BEing.
Blessings to you as you journey on your Path... <3 p="">
Meaning: The Cosmic Yes-the soundless sound of the Universe.
Inner Tuning: I carry the vibration of this most ancient sound - Om - into all my daily activities and into my sleep.
Om Shanti Om
Meaning: Inner Peace.
Inner Tuning: The sound of this mantra illuminates my day and leads me into a place of inner peace and calm, even as challenges arise.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Meaning: Salutations to the remover of obstacles.
Inner Tuning: I invite this mantra to remove all energetic blocks in my life and bless this auspicious journey that I undertake, into the world of mantra and meditation.
Aham Prema
Meaning: I Am Love.
Inner Tuning: Throughout the day, I focus my attention again and again on the center of my chest - known as the heart chakra. May the love that I am radiate into the world.
Narasimha Tava Dasohum
Meaning: Mantra for protection from negative influences.
Inner Tuning: This mantra supports me in moments of doubt and confusion. It gives me the strength to trust my inner voice and to guide me on my path to the Light.
Om asatomo satgamaya
Tamasoma jyotirgamaya
Mrityorma amritamgamaya
Meaning: Take us from the false to the truth.
From darkness to light.
From death to eternal life.
Inner Tuning: I carry the understanding that each moment is a rebirth, and each moment is illuminated by that which never changes, never dies.
Above information from:
Om Nama Shivaya
Meaning: I bow down to Shiva, I salute Shiva.
Inner Tuning: This mantra invokes, welcomes, surrenders and calls Shiva into one's life. Who and what Shiva represents is up to the individual's karma and intuition.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Meaning: Om, salutations to the Jewel of Consciousness (the mind) which has reached the heart's lotus.
Definition breakdown:
~Om, represents generosity purifying pride/ego. The symbol of the Deity is Wisdom.
~Ma, represents ethics purifying jealousy/lust for entertainment. The symbol of the Deity is Compassion.
~Ni, represents patience purifying passion/desire. The symbol of the Deity is body, speech, mind quality and activity.
~Pad, represents diligence purifying ignorance/prejudice. The symbol of the Deity is equanimity.
~Me, represents renunciation purifying poverty/possessiveness. The symbol of the Deity is Bliss.
~Hum, represents wisdom purifying aggression/hatred. The symbol of the Deity is quality of compassion.
Inner Tuning: This mantra helps to purify the body, speech and mind into the pure exalted BEing of a Buddha.
Above information from: Wikipedia