Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Welcome Home

I stood in the sun yesterday 
to be picked up. 
As I stood there 
standing on the sidewalk, 
listening to the cars whizzing by, 
I noticed monarch butterflies 
flitting about 
and I smiled. 
They come 
every year 
around this time 
to do 
what butterflies 
do best: 
gather in 
the plethora 
of Eucalyptus trees 
off Vista Del Mar 
near San Jon Rd 
and carry out 
love notes 
from the fairies 
(well, that's what I think). 

The sunlight 
warmed my skin 
I closed my eyes 
relishing this feeling. 

I reflected on my travels, 
the changes in my body, 
what my eyes took in 
and most importantly...
what my heart shares...
how much love I feel 
and how much it reflects back 
in every one I encounter...
every story I hear...
whispers of encouragement are heard 
and that's when I am not only 
but grateful. 

I'm 'Home' 
but truly...
the idea of 'Home' 
when I first left 
was an illusion. 
Home became 
Scotland, England, France, Portugal… 
places I had visited and yet 
when declaring California as a place where I was born 
to people upon first meeting them, 
the concept of 'Home' became a question mark. 

One I didn't have the answer to.  

What to do 

My stomach 
at that moment, 
causing me 
to smile again 
and I was 
taken back 
to the many times 
where I would 
food from 'Home': 
Cham's and the Kang Ka Ree dish with yellow curry, potatoes and pineapples, 
Corrales and its veggie burrito and yummy salsa, 
Red Brick Pizza and it's gluten free, vegan pizza dough with Daiya cheese and veggies, 
Mary's Secret Garden and everything on it's damn menu but especially my usual, Cilantro Salad and cheesy tortillas,
Sushi Marina and it's avocado and ocean rolls. 

These moments 
of recollection 
came when 
I was tired, 
or just a little homesick 
and reminders of 'Home' 
helped to alleviate 
the pangs of loneliness 
I felt 
at times 
on this journey…

And that's when it dawned on me…
The feeling of coming 'Home', 
the certainty that I could finally 
my cravings 
and it was… 

I relished 
in anticipation 
for each dish 
I had salivated over 
and another part of me 
realized that 
I could never be 

Thoughts of crepes 
and the french conversations in France, 
oat cakes, instant coffee with gluten free buns and late night sharings in the UK, 
pastel de nata and the laughter whilst walking the streets of Lisbon...
all came to mind.  

Food became 
another way 
of associating 
different travel destinations 
and sensations.  
Memories captured forever 
in bite sized, 
mouth watering 
of delight.

For a moment 
I was filled 
with a hint 
of melancholy…
then another butterfly appeared 
and I was reminded of the Present.

I was like that butterfly, 
I flitted about 
traveling to different destinations…
sending and receiving love notes 
of my own…

And I was welcomed Home again. 
Embraced and engulfed 
by all that had passed 
and what has yet to manifest.

Home was this Moment. 
Home was Love and Acceptance. 

Home was Right Here…
flitting on the small wings of the butterfly, 
my skin kissed by the Sun…
on the ends of my fingertips…
and in my Heart 
Love knows no bounds…