It hasn't been easy. The Path that's been chosen. It feels as though every turn taken, every choice made feels almost like a mistake at first...especially if there's some kind of pain felt either during and/or after the process.
What I want to say is this:
inside every cell in your body resides the deep and inner wisdom required to learn from that which you have experienced. From each moment you have fallen, from every attempt you 'failed' at, from all the times your heart was broken, from those pinnacle minutes where you doubted whether you can continue or not...
You're still Here. And you are the stronger for it.
Each and every one of us
has the power to live
the Life
we were meant to Live,
be the person we were meant to be.
And I can't tell you how proud I am.
At how far you've come.
At the beautiful Being you Are.
And the next time you have one of those nights
when it's especially quiet and lonesome,
when you're thinking
you can no longer go any further...
think of this moment...
the morning
after an evening of nightmares
where you dreamed of a Love
gone away for good...
and you awoke
to the dawn of a new Day...
and you lived through it.
You were meant to be
so don't squander
and waste your Time
with regret or nonsense.
Live each moment
of your pure Existence
for it truly is
a miracle
in and of itself.
This gift we've all been given.
The Breath of Life...