Monday, December 24, 2012

Today's DownLoad

As the Darkness of the winter season comes forth and we walk slowly towards the Dawning of the New Year and its Light... I feel called to share something that came through from The Ether:

Dear Beloveds, You Are Not Alone in the arduous task of Facing Your Fears, Surrendering To The Unknown and Walking The Path.

Awaken and Embrace the Dark and Light within.  In doing so, you Strengthen, Empower and Rejuvenate YourSelf.  When desires, pain or anger/rage etc. are suppressed and/or ignored it is akin to leaving a wound untended never allowing it to properly heal.  This merging of 'Shadow' and 'Rainbow' Selves represents a way to move towards True Balance.  We are not in perfect Harmony without this important convergence.

Our Existence in the Middle World, this realm also considered 'The World As It Is' is no accident.  Our bodies, as we breath in and out, represent the Gift of Life.  We are also vessels holding Magic, Love, Light, Soul, Spirit…and at the same time, in our very fingertips, we have the ability to instill Pain, Doubt, Dissension and yes, even Death…

It is important to acknowledge that this Paradox resides inside each and every one of us… And when we fall prey to Fear, Chaos and Destruction we sometimes forget that We Have Free Will.  

That We Ultimately Have A Choice.

Not to choose which side but to choose Wholeness and Complete Unification…

The Question Remains: Will You Face YourSelf Fully By Embracing Both Rainbow And Shadow Within?

I feel that this is the Black 'Whole' of Truth hidden in the depths of The Rainbow.  If we do not fully accept those parts of OurSelves, we are never made 'whole'. 

In this instance, 'The One' that so many search for is attested to the two halves in dire need to be made Whole again.

Here's looking at a Whole New You…

And a Whole New Year…

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Yin and Yang of K.A.L.E.

The two kinds of kale featured in this blog entry have very different and distinct tastes.  And their looks are somewhat contrasting as well.  The first type of kale called Scots kale is slightly bitter with wider and rounder leaves. The green is more of a matte color and the texture is smooth on your fingertip but crisp when eaten raw.  The second type of kale is called Tuscan kale and it's darker, the leaves leaner and the veins are more visible due to the stem.  The texture on this type is tougher but there's no bitterness and when cooked it slightly resembles spinach.  Kale is certainly receiving a lot of hype and understandably so.  It's chock full of vitamins K, A, C, fiber and minerals such as copper, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus.  No glowing body parts here!  Just glowing skin from healthy, nutritional yummylicious eating!

My previous post consisted of a recipe using kale in a green smoothie and was blended raw with other ingredients.  Listed below is the recipe for this simple, super easy and yummy side dish which I've appropriately titled, "The Yin and Yang of K.A.L.E."  All veggies are Organic, of course.

1/2 cup of Scots kale
1/2 cup of Tuscan kale
one half of a small onion
1 cup of mushrooms
2 cloves of garlic
3/4 cup of corn
1 Tbl sp of Earth balance soy free Non GMO vegan butter
1 tsp of grapeseed oil
3 Tbl sp of nutritional yeast
3 tsp of dried basil
himalayan salt to taste
pinch of pepper

In a medium size pan over low to medium heat, add butter to melt.  Meanwhile, chop up onion either in long slices or diced.  Whatever your preference. Hey! Maybe you can 'dlice' them!  When finished, mince the garlic or if you're a true Garlic lover (and a fan of convenience) use your garlic press.  Put them all the garlic in the pan to sautee with their BFF: the Onion.  Next, take your mushrooms and slice them thinly.  (To de-stem or not to de-stem?  I love mushrooms so I keep the mushroom intact.  I know. I know.  The fancy restaurants do the exact opposite but personally, I love ALL of the mushroom! I don't discriminate.)  Add them to the onions and garlic.  With the kale (after a wee little shower under the faucet) I would break off the stems (about an inch) and cut horizontally across the leaves about an inch wide. Place in the pan and look to the corn.  I purchased the frozen, organic corn from Trader Joe's.  Put them in to simmer with the rest.  Give it a few minutes then add the remaining ingredients.  Cover pan and cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the kale leaves are looking like they're ready to dance inside your mouth.  Because I ate the last of the gluten free, vegan stuffing that my friend, Nalasa, left me I needed a side dish to accompany my mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy.  This. Was. Perfect.  :0)

One last thing, if you wanted to add in some spinach for extra iron I doubt the Kale brethren would mind.  I'll have to come up with a new name for the dish like 'The Lean, Green, Not So Mean Side Dish' or something.  Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Painted Sky, A Letter

For Sean

November is one of my favorite months.  At this time of year the monarch butterflies migrate and pass through here finding temporary homes in the Eucalyptus trees.  They flit about in ones and twos (or threes or fours) in search of the sweetest nectar and a peaceful place to rest.

I thought about you today, in the middle of this absolutely beautiful gorgeous day in Paradise, while I was doing my walk/run at the beach.  As I was climbing the steps to get onto the pier, the voice of the husband from South Africa (remember the sweet South African couple?) came to mind.  I have no idea why.  And I remembered your comment about how he sounded like Hannibal Lecter which resulted in shivering first because of the accuracy in that statement then smiling which transitioned into laughter.

We are so much like those butterflies. Traveling. Flitting. Transforming.  Always searching for that sweet nectar.  Home so unbelievably close but something calls us to keep searching.  For what?  Nothing.  Everything.  Anything.  A Love hinted and only whispered at.  A sliver of Joy felt once but we hope to feel again.  A sadness we ignore with that futile attempt to bury it.  A loneliness we can never shake off but we forget when we are in the company of fellow Dreamers.

I Miss You! I hope you are receiving what you desire whilst on your journey.

I've attempted several times to write down little moments or memories of my trip but I end up staring at a blank page or filling it up with mundane but current details of my life.

Like, for example, I'm sitting Here on a bench that overlooks a vast ocean.  The sand is littered with clumps of seaweed and wet wood.  From where I am there are no waves which equates to no surfers out.  The sky is a brilliant blue like something painted and too perfect.  There are slashes of white cutting across looking as though they are wings spreading high and about to take flight.  But, the best part which isn't really the warmth of the sun kissing my cheeks and neck but the soothing sounds of the waves…encouraging me…nay singing to me…a song unriddled and without words….just this Deep Love…and Comfort.

And something else…an almost invisible thread…it looks to be the remnants of a web.  It caught my attention peripherally.  In that perfect tiny sliver is a reflection…of the world..of You…of Me…of the Ocean.  And this small detail which most would overlook or miss…tells me in a whisper……………........................................ never give up……………………................................................ never forget that magic is everywhere…………….. ..............................................................................and most importantly…………………. never stop seeing Love in its amazing perfection………

I am awake now as You Are.  This is no Dream but a creation manifested with Love and Heart and Hope.

The Path is Here right under your feet.  It is but an illusion of being Lost.  It's the Discovery that this Life is the Journey of Infinite Possibilities.

You are walking and living within the Painting that is Your Life.  As Artist AND Architect.

Let's Celebrate You.  Us. And this moment.

Love You.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Greeeeeen Smoothie

They say that Green is associated with Envy. In this particular case, I'd like to say that instead of being 'Green with Envy' let's just say I'm Green with iron, protein, potassium and a whole lotta sweetness!
To offset some of the bitter taste from the kale, I added a tad bit of coconut sugar and maybe a 1/4 cup of Rice Dream ice cream. It actually was too sweet so next time I'll nix the coconut sugar. It was thick, creamy and oh so good!

Here's the official recipe:
3/4 cup spinach
1 1/2 cups of kale (I used two kinds)
1 lg banana
2 tbl sp avocado
3 tbl sp hemp seeds
3 tbl sp Nutiva's Hemp Vanilla Shake powder
1/4 cup of Rice Dream Ice Cream
1 tbl sp coconut sugar
1/4-1/2 cup of hemp milk
1/4-1/2 cup of rice milk
(liquid as needed for preference on thickness)

*All ingredients certified Organic :0)


Monday, October 29, 2012

For Patrick..


"My dog died."

That's the message I receive late one night.  I don't know how, but I could see my friend's face, pale and sad…his emotions hidden within the folds of his skin, the beard that covers half his face which is hiding a frown and the weariness I see inside the shadows of his green eyes.

I sense a restlessness and close my eyes, sending a silent message of comfort to my mourning friend.

He loves running and that's what he's doing the next time I see him.

I'm on one of my beach walks with my friend, MB.  I recognize him immediately and he stops to chat with us.

"Come give me a sweaty hug," I say with a grin.

He puts his arms around me and then wipes his forehead on the side of my face.


He laughs and I step back laughing as well.  I like it when the darkness is at bay.  Now I understand a bit more why he enjoys running so much.  There's the endorphin high at the end, of course, but there's a freedom and release to it.  It's meditative.  Your mind becomes clear and you're aware of the entire connection.  To yourself.  To the Earth.  To your heartbeat.

He's gone, running down the pathway.  MB and I head towards the Pier.  In the midst of our conversation, I could feel the remnants of a story that's waiting to be told.  A gift.

On my way home, I see him running down Poli.  This time, I see a dog running next to him.  He's black and white with lots of fur…and he's got this happy dog grin that's contagious.

I turn down Chestnut and head home.  I photograph the image inside my head like a Polaroid picture and store it away for me…and for him.

We get together later that week for our regular movie night.  Not a date, not a nonchalant, superficial visit.  Just two people who enjoy each other's company with an under current of another story not ready to make its debut.

"Do you remember how MB and I saw you at the beach?"  I ask him after the credits for 'Goonies' fills the screen.

"Yeah.  That was unexpected."

I nod and say, "You were by yourself, but later as I was driving home, I saw you on Poli running with a dog."

"A dog?  What did it look like?" he asked with a careful tone.

I pull up the Polaroid picture in my mind and describe to him with as much detail as I can recall.

He's quiet for what seems like forever and sighs.  He's looking past me, out the window into the still night that holds his thoughts.  I'm looking at him, waiting for him to reply.

"I wonder…" he starts to say.

"You know, now that I think about it.  That dog looked like a younger version of Ned."

I remember going with him to his parent's house.  Ned, his dog, was so ecstatic to see him.  He was the only source of lightness and color in a monochromatic environment.

"But, it can't be…" he whispers.

"Maybe I was just seeing things.  I don't know.  Could've been some stray."  I interject.

"No.  It wasn't a stray.  The only dog that I would take running with me was Ned." 

"Well, maybe he wanted to run with you one more time…

Or maybe he'll be with you every time you run…and maybe you'll get to see him again…

If you pay attention..."

I smile at him when I say this and put my head on his shoulder.  I can see he's still looking out the window and we stay like that for hours…just listening to the night and the faint sounds of paws running on concrete.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Medusa - Facing The Mirror of Self

From The Temple of The Goddess

The Wheel of the Year spins and we come together to honor the turning of the seasons and the Earth's never-ending cycles of life. We remember, and honor, our beloved ancestors and the lives they lived.  

We remind ourselves it is time to Slow Down and synchronize our internal rhythms with the rhythm of the Earth. As we prepare ourselves for the coming dark of winter, we honor those who have gone before us and connect to the healing power of the Earth.  

In this year of change we seek guidance and wisdom . . . not just the inevitability of change but how we approach, embrace, and integrate change into our lives. As we, once again, begin our descent into the season of winter and prepare ourselves for the coming dark, we give thanks for the bounty of the Earth's harvest that will carry us through the dark times and into the rebirth of Spring.  

Upon entering the mythic realm, we courageously face our fear in the form and countenance of the horrifically mythic, and feared, MEDUSA.  

This Hallows Eve, as we stalk our fears, grasping our courage and the all encompassing power of change, we remember and call forth the myth of Medusa. You think you know her story . . . a scary, evil woman with snakes as hair who turns people to stone?  

Medusa, a mythic Goddess, one of the many stories of the feminine that got turned upside down. Medusa's name in Greek, means Guardian and Protectress.  How has She been protecting you? 

Snakes in Ancient Greece were a symbol of change, rebirth, and power. Beautiful Medusa, with serpents coming out of her head, turns us to stone . . . marble, and dares us to slow down and face our greatest fears because that is where our power lies.  
Meeting Medusa is an opportunity for you, for all of us, to go within, look into that most frightening place of all, the Mirror of Self, and face that which frightens us most. There are critical, archetypal times in our lives when the Spirit of Medusa calls to us, calls us to change, to grow, to be more than we ever dreamed we could be.


I received this in my in box today and felt such a resonance with it I felt compelled to share it here.  Like so many feminine archetypes, Medusa was demonized and viewed as a monster in some myths.  However, when you look to her as a means of experiencing your spiritual journey metaphorically, her presence becomes one of strength, courage and protection.

The above passage on Medusa rings true for me on a different level as well.  Being born with the name Athena, comes with much regard and mythical connotations.  It seems as though I was destined to be exposed to mythology and to have a deep seeded connection to the Goddess.

She comes in many forms and speaks at the most opportune times.

Perhaps this is Her way of guiding be unafraid of facing my fears, to persevere...

To Answer The Call...

To Face The Mirror of MySelf...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Je t'aime, Paris.

Journal entry June 29, 2012


Which means kisses in French. A form of greeting and farewell, here in Paris, is a kiss on each cheek. My first night in Paris and I'm in love. Head over heels in love with a city that seems to ooze creativity and romance at the same time.

Whilst walking the streets at night with my host, Javier, the summer warmth finally making its presence known...people came out to celebrate, to sing, to play music, to smoke...couples kissed on park benches and on bridges.  We wandered about aimlessly, with no destination in mind.  The Eiffel Tower and its amber glow of lights began to sparkle like a million fairies doing a sporadic dance.  We crossed bridges.     We walked along the Seine.  I heard music and wanted to investigate so we followed our ears and descended down towards the water.  There were people sitting along the side, close to the edge where the water lapped softly against the stone.  There were groups sitting on blankets, food and wine spread, the billowing smoke from their cigarettes casting a mystical but merry scene.  The brass from the instruments of the band, glittering and winking as the musicians played their parts, coupled with the joyous sounds of their song added even more life to the festivities of the evening.

There were so many moments I wanted to capture forever but my eyes and memories are far better than a photo can ever hope to convey.

I felt a twinge, a pang of...I don't know...regret perhaps.  Paris really is the City for Lovers and I had a moment where I wanted things to be different...envisioning a romantic stroll with my Beloved and the fantasy was dispelled by my cruel reality.  Alone.  Single.  And IN PARIS.


What torture!

Yet, I persevered (cue sarcasm please)! And the first night wasn't a complete tragedy.  My inner optimism and sunny disposition (of course) won out.  I counted my blessings.  I repeated my mantras of Gratitude.

I am grateful for my journey..
I am grateful for my awareness...
I am grateful for my lessons...
Even though, at times, they leave me weeping into an empty container of vegan chocolate ice cream...preferably the coconut hazelnut one....


Don't get me wrong! I am learning to love where I'm at but there are days when I have this HUGE question mark hovering above my head and I just have to yell out loud: What The Fuck?!

But, don't let me spoil your plans on visiting Paris.

Avec partner or sans one...

It's worth it.  Even if you just have one day...

This whole journey and intention for going on this crazy adventure is to see what exactly I am made of.

If I can survive,
live my life
and be happy
Just Me...

And you know what?

I found that I could.

Bien sur....

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Welcome Home

I stood in the sun yesterday 
to be picked up. 
As I stood there 
standing on the sidewalk, 
listening to the cars whizzing by, 
I noticed monarch butterflies 
flitting about 
and I smiled. 
They come 
every year 
around this time 
to do 
what butterflies 
do best: 
gather in 
the plethora 
of Eucalyptus trees 
off Vista Del Mar 
near San Jon Rd 
and carry out 
love notes 
from the fairies 
(well, that's what I think). 

The sunlight 
warmed my skin 
I closed my eyes 
relishing this feeling. 

I reflected on my travels, 
the changes in my body, 
what my eyes took in 
and most importantly...
what my heart shares...
how much love I feel 
and how much it reflects back 
in every one I encounter...
every story I hear...
whispers of encouragement are heard 
and that's when I am not only 
but grateful. 

I'm 'Home' 
but truly...
the idea of 'Home' 
when I first left 
was an illusion. 
Home became 
Scotland, England, France, Portugal… 
places I had visited and yet 
when declaring California as a place where I was born 
to people upon first meeting them, 
the concept of 'Home' became a question mark. 

One I didn't have the answer to.  

What to do 

My stomach 
at that moment, 
causing me 
to smile again 
and I was 
taken back 
to the many times 
where I would 
food from 'Home': 
Cham's and the Kang Ka Ree dish with yellow curry, potatoes and pineapples, 
Corrales and its veggie burrito and yummy salsa, 
Red Brick Pizza and it's gluten free, vegan pizza dough with Daiya cheese and veggies, 
Mary's Secret Garden and everything on it's damn menu but especially my usual, Cilantro Salad and cheesy tortillas,
Sushi Marina and it's avocado and ocean rolls. 

These moments 
of recollection 
came when 
I was tired, 
or just a little homesick 
and reminders of 'Home' 
helped to alleviate 
the pangs of loneliness 
I felt 
at times 
on this journey…

And that's when it dawned on me…
The feeling of coming 'Home', 
the certainty that I could finally 
my cravings 
and it was… 

I relished 
in anticipation 
for each dish 
I had salivated over 
and another part of me 
realized that 
I could never be 

Thoughts of crepes 
and the french conversations in France, 
oat cakes, instant coffee with gluten free buns and late night sharings in the UK, 
pastel de nata and the laughter whilst walking the streets of Lisbon...
all came to mind.  

Food became 
another way 
of associating 
different travel destinations 
and sensations.  
Memories captured forever 
in bite sized, 
mouth watering 
of delight.

For a moment 
I was filled 
with a hint 
of melancholy…
then another butterfly appeared 
and I was reminded of the Present.

I was like that butterfly, 
I flitted about 
traveling to different destinations…
sending and receiving love notes 
of my own…

And I was welcomed Home again. 
Embraced and engulfed 
by all that had passed 
and what has yet to manifest.

Home was this Moment. 
Home was Love and Acceptance. 

Home was Right Here…
flitting on the small wings of the butterfly, 
my skin kissed by the Sun…
on the ends of my fingertips…
and in my Heart 
Love knows no bounds…

Monday, August 20, 2012

Train(s) of thought....

I know that I had every intention of updating my blog whilst I traveled but what ended up happening was entry upon entry that is the exact opposite of being in chronological order. It's like a jigsaw puzzle.

Currently, I have entries for the latter part of my travels and some for the beginning part. The others are still housed safely in the lodges of my mind waiting for the appropriate time to come forth.

I think several volumes may be the end result.

I do have a small taste that I would like to share.

I hope you enjoy...

London to Luton...

With the Olympics in full swing, the train into King's X was bursting to the brim. Each stop packed in more people and we looked like a fast running sardine can on a track. I was on my way to Luton Airport heading towards Lisbon, Portugal.  For this part of my journey I started out in Bristol, UK where I had first taken the train, with a ride on the tube to get to King's X and another change of trains from King's X to Luton with the last stop by bus to the final destination: Luton Airport.  Reflecting back, it sounds like a traveler's nightmare and schizophrenic's dream but when it's your only option (I guess I could have hitchhiked, used a broomstick which would have been really difficult with my luggage or utilized teleportation but…) booking the ticket was essential and it actually ended up being easy as pie since I had been through the train station and tube before.  I really tried not to think about stairs though.  I silently prayed to all Beings in the higher realms for escalators and elevators.  These would become my best friends.  

As I arrived into King's X, weaving in and out through the crowds, I stopped every so often looking at various monitors trying to figure out where my next train would be.   With my cases trailing behind me like devoted pets on wheels, I eyed an escalator and followed my intuition looking for signs saying Midlands train for that was the next train which was indicated on my ticket.  I followed the arrows with a bit of trepidation in my step.  As I looked up, I saw a huge digital screen listing departures and platforms.  I eyed a column and used it to lean on while I took a minute to catch my breath.  I had not been to this part of the train station since my previous experience was having to board the international train to Paris so I was a bit nervous not knowing if I was in the right spot.  I had hoped I was.

As I waited with a masked patience, I observed as a good writer should, grateful for my 'perch' and found the scene somewhat intriguing.

Directly in front of the entrance where arrivals and departures from the Midlands trains took place, various different people in bright colors held boxes in their arms as they gave free ice cream to happy and willing hands.

People from all over the world came through. The jackets of some were emblazoned with bright colors and their country of origin embossed in big letters. These particular individuals walked with a sense of pride and an air that could be mistaken for arrogance as they passed me by. I smiled as if knowing a secret.  Families, couples, students, business men and women walked by with purposeful direction or with a similar lost wandering look that had recently vacated my own face prior to taking up my perch.  This mass of cosmopolitan intrigue held my attention and I happily watched with one eye on the travelers, the other on the display of times and destinations.

As the number of travelers dwindled, I watched the clock as though my life depended upon it and waited with anticipation to board the train. As soon as the platform number was displayed for my train, people with arms, legs and suitcases trailing behind them bombarded the gates. I was included in this foray.  I finally got through and time slowed down as the scene where Harry Potter teaches Arthur Weasley what to do when going through a train station came to mind and as I sent my ticket through the slot appearing seconds later above, the gates swaying open, I said a silent prayer of thanks for my intuition and grinned from ear to ear only wishing I was on my way to the Ministry of Magic.  I collected myself rather quickly and eagerly approached my train looking for the correct section and opening.  Looking to the right of each open door, I found the letter printed on my ticket and headed inside heaving my case in front of me.  I turned another right and found a space available.  As I set my huge human fitting luggage on the rack, I looked for my seat in cabin A. As I usually choose window seats whilst booking my tickets I looked towards each window stopping every so often to examine the number above.  I found number 32 and noticed my seat was luckily with a table as well.  I saw that the aisle seat next to mine was already occupied by someone.  As he turned his head, I saw a horrible growth the size of a baseball right next to the side of his mouth. For a split second, I hoped my seat was not next to this man and that hideous lump.  However, fate laughed at my millisecond distress and as usual pointed her invisible finger in his vicinity encouraging me to open myself up to whatever lesson this was to provide.

I turned my head quickly then and approached with a veiled caution. I did my best to not stare and looked at him directly in the eyes with a somewhat forced smile and a slight nod as I pointed to the seat next to him indicating that was mine. He had put his backpack there and moved it over to the seat across and proceeded to make room so that I can get settled in.

I watched him with slit eyes. Under my careful observations, I noted that this mysterious man had brown hair, looked to be in his late 40's and reminded me of my dear friend I had nicknamed the Rad Dad whom I had met at the Findhorn Foundation, a spiritual community in Scotland.

Questions plagued my mind about this man sitting next to me: What was that thing on his face? A tumor? Did it hurt? Why didn't he see a surgeon and receive surgery to have it removed? Was he married and loved or alone and unwanted?

Some answers came without having to ask. He started to chat with me and I found him quite friendly. Since I was sitting on the left of him, I couldn't see the other side of his face but from what I could see, I noticed that the growth was also inside his mouth affecting his speech a little.  Every so often his hand would go to the side of his mouth as he wiped uncontrollable drool from his face and chin.  My curiosity was almost at its peak and I stifled the urge to inquire about his particular condition, however, he did not bring it up and I daresay proper etiquette and manners prevailed over my usual impetuous need to interrogate.

We spoke of the Olympics and the festive air. He told me about his work, travels and past. I shared about my own current travels, perspective and where I was from. 

Across the way sat his daughter whom had interrupted our conversation to address him so and hand over a cell phone which he then excused himself to take a call.  Afterward when he mentioned his wife, I was happy to find that he was loved and not alone nor unwanted.

After a while, I no longer saw the lump nor did I pay much attention to what his face looked like but to what he generally exuded.  His charm, sincerity, kindness, friendly nature and warm curiosity of others won me over and came forth throughout our conversation. As he spoke, I couldn't help but see that he resembled a kind of 'Arthur Weasley' as well and I began to feel more relaxed.

There were rare lulls in our conversation but it continued and we spoke of marathons, what we see and don't see in a cup and I realized how long it had been since I was engaged in a deep, meaningful and intellectual conversation.

As the sounds of the train became a welcome background soundtrack to our delightful discourse, the blue skies of the day and its scenery could not be more apropos for such an adventuresome display.  And as I relished such a notion, I also knew it would not last for the ride from King's X to Luton wasn't very long and my stop rapidly approached. However, the anxiety I was feeling before boarding the train was long gone and a new sensation was put in its place. 
It was a need and new desire to see beauty in everything and everyone, and to be prepared that it may come in the most unexpected places, in situations you would never suspect. I knew I still had far to go in realizing that valuable lesson but I also knew in my heart that unbeknownst to my friend, 'Arthur Weasley', I now had hope that beauty could be found anywhere. Sometimes in a face that is far from beauty's 'conventional' standards.

I knew that some could never get past the man's face and that lump…and I felt sorry for them. Not only would they be deprived of a very rewarding lesson, they would never know nor see the inner beauty within such a warm hearted individual.

I was grateful for that seat then 
……….for more reasons than one. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Better Late Than Never...

I know we haven't spoken in awhile. And I'm sorry. I know I've been distracted by a lot of things: work, relationships, social engagements, etc. I've been thinking it's been long overdue. Our talk. This talk. 

It hasn't been easy. The Path that's been chosen. It feels as though every turn taken, every choice made feels almost like a mistake at first...especially if there's some kind of pain felt either during and/or after the process. 

What I want to say is this: 
inside every cell in your body resides the deep and inner wisdom required to learn from that which you have experienced. From each moment you have fallen, from every attempt you 'failed' at, from all the times your heart was broken, from those pinnacle minutes where you doubted whether you can continue or not...


You're still Here. And you are the stronger for it. 

Each and every one of us 
has the power to live 
the Life 
we were meant to Live, 
be the person we were meant to be.

And I can't tell you how proud I am. 
At how far you've come. 
At the beautiful Being you Are. 

And the next time you have one of those nights 
when it's especially quiet and lonesome, 
when you're thinking 
you can no longer go any further...
think of this moment...
the morning 
after an evening of nightmares 
where you dreamed of a Love 
gone away for good...
and you awoke 
to the dawn of a new Day...
and you lived through it.  

You were meant to be 
so don't squander 
and waste your Time 
with regret or nonsense.  

Live each moment 
of your pure Existence 

for it truly is 
a miracle 
in and of itself.  

This gift we've all been given.  

The Breath of Life...


We live in a World
filled with
as well as

To some,
all one
can experience
the jaws of hunger,
an appetite
never satiated
or the errors
of many...

And to another,

it's a passing moment
as if
like a
picturesque postcard..
a delicate beauty
that lasts
a second
fills your
very Essence
and Spirit
for all Eternity...

A Universal Gift
of Life
of Free Will...

Friday, June 1, 2012


There was a moment,
a second
where I understood you.

A comment,
a joke
but perfect
followed by
an awkward silence
where one tries to
changing the subject
attempting to fill the air
with false normalcy
a fantastic mirage
veiling unhappiness
unwelcomed misery.

It was then
I realized that
it was not merely
I had for you
so much more
and so much less
than this poem

The Bridge

I looked out the window of my bedroom and saw a patch of blue sky.  I had a glimmer of hope for the morning was filled with a dull grey that influenced my usual upbeat demeanor.  In that instant, I surmised that sun would inevitably be present.  I rushed out and headed towards the sea. The air was crisp and my earlier enthusiasm was stripped at the sight of the onslaught of clouds and their appetite for anything with color.
I followed the river to the sea, making great care to not disturb any golfers walking about.  Thankfully, none were out.  A jagged rock that was shaped like a dinosaur (Pako would have been pleased) called to me so I made my way slowly, concentrating on my footing and followed the invisible path of rocks, green moss and various sea life.
I said my greeting and made myself at home.  It was a gracious spot and the view was a reminder of how far away home was.  I told this rock intimate parts of my day (and the previous night) and was met with an instantaneous comfort.  I made another new friend.  He listened patiently as well as graciously and I made a promise to visit again soon.  I began traipsing back and crossed a few bridges, then climbed my way up the wooden staircase of rock and mud.  My mind was clearer and my heart less heavy but something still needed to be done.
This last bridge (near the big horn) silenced my steps and caused me to pause, my head lifting towards the sky in hesitation.  A voice came forth from the waters that were rushing from either side of the crossing.  My entire body was still and present with anticipation.

"This bridge represents where you are in Life.  The waters rush forth, raging silently with fluidity, reminding you of stillness and chaos.  They can exist in one breath, in an instant that never stays the same.  Listen to the Water.  Allow the sounds to fill you up and release what you need to let go of.  As you stand in the Center of this Crossing, water on either side of you, remember to leave your past behind you.  Do not look back.  Move forward toward the Present.  Move forward with no fear...into the Unknown."

I then began to remember various exercises utilizing visual imagery and certain psychological practices to help cope with emotional duress and receiving closure concerning relationships.  My former lovers flashed before my eyes from the most recent to the very first.  Hearts filled with light flashed quickly.  Smiles and tears were felt.  Warmness glowed within my entire body and an immersion as well as lightness was felt.  Faster and faster, the images flickered before me like a movie reel and within minutes, I had crossed over.  The Bridge was now behind me and I daresay...

I did not look back.

Here. In My Head.

In my head.
I've written to you,
whispered to you,
I've wept
on your shoulder
with no fear
of a farewell.

In my head.
Your love
I can see
quite clearly
in your eyes,
what is in
my own.

In my head.
We laugh
and play
and talk late
into the night,
and cuddled,
while I take up
all the room
on the bed.
Covers, too.

In my head.
I'm not afraid
of loving you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Love's not a battlefield but a boomerang

Have you ever been in love? I think that's a 'Yes' for most.  Have you ever been in love with someone, really wanting it to work but knowing in your heart it just wasn't the right time?  Ditto, right?  Well, what was so different about this trip back to Scotland was this: I was leaving someone behind.  Someone I cared very deeply for but unable to provide what he was wanting and most of all, deserving: time, commitment.  What was I thinking getting involved with someone right before going on my trip? That's the thing, I wasn't really thinking...not with my head, but with my heart and I don't regret the experience.

How can one ever regret feeling love?

So, I wrote this in the hopes of alleviating the heartache. It was difficult to convey to others (especially him) about what I was feeling and why. I tried. I really did...but I don't know if it makes sense so I post this here...perhaps...for all those who have felt even an inkling of what I'm describing in this piece....and for those that think love isn't a battlefield but more like a boomerang...returning to you, returning home...

Dearest Cxxxxx,
We all have stories to tell.  Some keep them close, hidden in secret places that only the gatekeepers with keys and the correct password have access to.  Some etch them on their skin, intricate details symbolizing life changing events, forever capturing particular parts of their lives with no need of repeating the details unless on special occasions when requested…
Stories became a way to express my feelings and thoughts, especially to those whom I had not expressed them to.  Many ex-boyfriends and former lovers had cameos or even the lead part in some of my stories.  I would weave various factual events with a fictional tale and the end result would be a therapeutic finished product that was intended to be some kind of closure to the relationship ending.
I realized that it was a cathartic avenue for me, but limiting and one-sided.  What did I fear most in a face-to-face interlude? Rejection? Pain? Indifference? Judgement?  The slap of unrequited love?
In some ways, this process allowed me to be more clear about my feelings and on a mental and creative level, it stimulated me.  But, on a person-to-person perspective it was not realistic so technically I was still running away and not truly confronting the situation.
Almost all recipients of my colored past have felt the throes of a passionate embrace, a night (or nights) of intense love then instantaneously followed by wrath, disappointment and the infamous Guillotine.
It became a pattern and my Slate for relationships resembled a waffle with a tower full of toppings, the connection inevitably getting severed or devoured by an insatiable appetite.  This metaphor is visually similar to a building with the foundation being faulty.  The only difference is that one is edible and topped with whipped cream and a cherry.
Needless to say, what happened between us was not surprising.  Each of my relationships have progressively become shorter so perhaps I'm learning (hopefully) but that does not necessarily mean it's easier for me to deal with.  Quite the opposite.  I've relinquished my armor slowly throughout the years when before, defenses were impenetrable.  Often to some, I appeared unscathed and unaffected.  That was far from true.  My pain I hid well.  I yearned for a time when my feelings could be expressed outright, without fear of ridicule, judgement and most of all, indifference.  The desire to be fully seen and heard…without the armor and defenses that were worn as a preventative from experiencing heartache.  The things was, I secretly still wanted to remain hidden.
The trick was, to accomplish this, one must be fully Present within.  One's Self must be awake and willing.  No hiding.  No armor.  Open.  Vulnerable…and… yes, Free.
For many years, I thought the answer was external.  My fingers pointed at all those poor boys who invariably felt the snap of my Guillotine.
And where do you fit in, dear C?  This time was different.  I couldn't stay mad.  I was about to use the Guillotine, severing all ties with you, but wasn't able to go through with it.  I wasn't ready to let go.
It was hard, truth be told, when you didn't want to work things out.  I don't blame you.  I was just selfish in thinking you would want to spend as much time with me before I left.  'Carpe Diem!', is what I say.  Seize The Day!  What I didn't take into account was the after effects for the ones left behind.  And your boys,  how would it impact them?  You know, believe it or not, this time was especially hard for me because not only did I fall in love with you, I fell for the boys as well, so when it came time to leave…it was thrice more difficult to have to endure…
…and it seemed so easy for you to transition from lover to friend.  Too many questions came forth, too much time analyzing and I did what I thought was best: staying away with little to no contact.
It gave me time to go inward, to reflect and that's when I finally came to the realization (and conclusion) that what had transpired between us, with its short entirety from beginning to end, was exactly what needed to happen.  I know I had relayed that before…but I think it finally sunk in…
Yet, I was still feeling the need for closure.  That Circle created between us was left open and I did a few things, attempting to sever our connection, to no avail.  So, now…instead of severing it like I did before I just allowed myself to remain open to it, acknowledging its presence and wondering if it had something to teach me.  
It did.
You may never know how powerful of an impact you've had…from your kind, sweet, generous and silly nature…to the fierce temper and frustration I sensed that led up to my departure, I felt, was something to be respected.  That last night, when I was tired, hungry and acting like a petulant child…even though you were tired as well, you still had a kind word for me and the energy to make me a salad…something that I now am very grateful for and was sorry to not fully appreciate at the time.
C, you have a quiet strength, the ability to be masculine, sensitive and intuitive at the same time and are uncommonly kind.  You are a wonderful father and the times I spent with you and your sons, albeit short, I shall treasure always.
I hold a special place in my heart for you and your boys.  Thank you for the time we shared.   I hope to have more in the future.  It can be like another story, just about ready to be told…the audience willing and waiting patiently but with unbridled anticipation.
May you and your loved ones be blessed with happiness and an abundance of Love, always.

With infinite gratitude,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Taxing Day in April

I've been working with this woman named Gwendolyn who is helping me to clean my slate and empower me to be a more powerful being. So, my latest journal entry reflects a little of the process that I'm going through and felt compelled to share this here:

Journal entry dated April 15, 2012

To realize you've been unhappy for a long time can be daunting.  
Sad.  But, enriching. Why? Because now you can do something about it.

I haven't been happy for quite some time.  I just realized that not too long ago.  
I think I was in denial.  The highs and lows of Life I would not allow to conquer me 
but in that regard, I built an invisible prison based on rules, old patterns and precepts preventing any growth or happiness.  This happiness, this joy eluded me and I began to search for it in obvious and unlikely places.  What kept me buoyed up was that 'survivor instinct' skill honed and whittled to a fine point where the transmutation of energy can be processed and changed from even the darkest sources.  However, there is a negative consequence when drawing forth from this particular source.  One becomes so acclimatized to it, you begin to seek it out.  Subconsciously at first and then very blatantly.  

I would know... 
I was privy to this... Too many times to count.

And now, with some much needed and welcome help, the source of my unhappiness and consternation has been illuminated a bit and my search for inner and outer joy commences.  

The Source? 

From within...
but a few things must be removed 
so that I may have a clean slate to jump off of...
diving into the Unknown 
with Pure Bliss 
Absolute Freedom.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Garden

The Garden
needs to be showered
Unconditional Love
at all times...

Remove debris,
or anything that does not
serve the Highest Good
For All.

Tend to
Your Garden, Dear Ones.

Let the experiences of Life
And Feed
The Seeds of Your Garden
So you can nourish
Your BEing...
And continue to Grow
In the Cosmos of
The Divine...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Burn This

Letter To C:

There is much to say. Words that I won't speak aloud to you. Words only to be written here, to exist only for you to never read them nor hear them. 

Your presence came at an unexpected, opportune time. I don't think neither one of us anticipated such a union. One that was a short-lived roller coaster ride that ended with an appetite unsatiated. 

I wish I could tell you All of my story. Sometimes, I think, some would have a better understanding of why I do what I do...why I am the way I am...but then it comes off like excuse after excuse and it's like those sequels no one really wants to see but do anyway and regret spending their money...wishing they could have those hours back. 

Yet, I digress...knowing full well there IS a purpose for this letter. I wish to tell you this:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. 
                                 I love you. 

It's a Hawaiian prayer called Ho'oponopono. Maybe we can pretend that I've just whispered it in your ear, kissed your lips softly and looked deeply into your eyes with complete love, total acceptance and heartfelt gratitude. 

On second thought...
   Let's not pretend. 

With infinite gratitude and love,
               Athena <3

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I watched an elderly woman attached to an oxygen tank, light up a Capri slim cigarette. The whiteness juxtaposed against her wrinkled skin caught my eye. It dangled between her fingers and I was transfixed. I watched as she coughed and hacked walking with great effort to a car parked next to me, the green tank trailing behind her like a faithful pet.  The scene led me to contemplate choices. Every day, every minute...every second... we make choices. To live a healthy life. To love. To be free from fear. Or continue with choices that prevent us from reaching the Fullness of our Life. Unbeknownst to her, this woman reminded me of the valuable lesson of Choice. That our very actions cause a ripple effect stating very succinctly what desires and changes we want to manifest....what reality we envision..what world we want to live in...