Sunday, March 20, 2011

Laura Foxylicious says....

As we move forward into our shifting times, we have the opportunity to connect deeply with the consciousness of the planet and our own Source. This is the key. Staying out of fear and staying in love is the key also. Being in ...true communion - communication - through the subtle channels of our true nature and our relaxed connectivity-ability, we will be guided, for ourselves particularly, and if we are clear instruments, we will receive clear guidance to assist others in getting clear. The fear frequency simply downgrades our energetic response systems. It is not necessary to amplify into fear, simply to tune in to love and divine communion. Remember that this is also a time to forgive everyone, including ourselves; the age of the eye for an eye is over. The time is now to dig deep, to pray and connect like never before, to receive the visions for our own true pieces of the puzzle we are carrying, and to engender the willingness in ourselves and others to 'step up to the plate' of unconditional love, divine service, and readiness for aligned, intuitive action. Team work is the key. There are no opposites or enemies in this teamwork; only those who are currently aligned with harmonious relations and those who are on their way there. We can move ahead loving all and accepting all as we discern who, what is currently aligned with our own desire for unity and harmony, while extending that love, service, and divine devotion on the inner planes to those who are coming behind us, preparing to access that unity consciousness. Be brave hearted, know that all is well, know that you are guided, and love yourself completely. This is your safety net.

The Tsunami Within

Yesterday, while participating in a Womb of Wisdom workshop with Oshun, the subject of the recent tsunami was brought up in a context that was unconventional. Like all things in my life, everything from late night conversations with friends, to songs played on the radio, or to incredible acts of nature, I have come to realize that they are all great opportunities to reflect and go within. They are all just ways to contemplate on how we are all connected. For me, it's also an opportune time to share.

I couldn't help but notice that everything from the internet to the news to discussions with friends, has been strife with 'fear talk': How Mother Nature is 'retaliating', how the world is going to end, how radiation is in the air or how much devastation and destruction is going on in the world.

I cannot deny the fear that has generated from this.

What I would like to share is this: a different way of thinking and responding.

For the the Lightworkers, Luminous Ones, and those that have been on The Path for some time...and, of course, my Sistars across the globe....
this may serve as a reminder...


For the ones that are just beginning and especially to the ones not quite awake...
I call upon you...nay, IMPLORE you to listen carefully....
to not only open your eyes but to open your heart....

All things that happen whether in Nature or in the City, the US or Japan...
is all connected. To You. To Me. To Everyone in this life.

Every act in nature like the earthquake in Japan is a direct reflection of what is present in each and every one of us.

Did I lose you?

Think of it this way: On a metaphorical sense, is it possible to have a surge of power and energetic force within you resembling a great tidal wave or a jostling earthquake?

If your answer is Yes, then reflect on this: Every single one of us has the potential to do great and powerful things.

It's what we do with our 'Gift' that either contributes to the magic or to the chaos of our ever changing world.

And it's not about minute or really begins with You. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. What are your intentions? Are you coming from a place of love and gratitude or a place of fear, resentment and depravity? These are not easy questions to answer....but when you take the time to contemplate them and seek the answers within, what you may find will surprise you...

Some of you may say that Mother Nature is punishing us for all the pollution and destruction going on. Concentrating and responding with fear and negativity only creates a crippling effect that does more harm than good.

What I think is this: what if Mother Nature is trying to get our attention? What if She's trying to respond in such a way that will only wake us up from our sleep deprived state and jolt us into a more awake state? What if you think of it as Her trying to communicate?

And, what if these Acts are just reflections of what we need to look at within ourselves? Great tsunamis and earthquakes residing in each and every one of us....enormous amounts of energy that's been building up just waiting for the right time to burst forth?

So, what can we do?

Here are some suggestions: Learn to harness that energy. Create with it. Tap into the stillness that is within and meditate. Transmute all negative energy and what no longer serves you into a huge ball of compassion, love and healing light....and gift it into the Universe...

For example:
I'd like to think of today's storm chock full of millions of raindrops filled with love and gratitude splashing the Earth and everyone in it.
I'm now visualizing everything being lovingly lavished by these effervescent Lovedrops...

If you think along these lines, it will be so.

Be mindful of what you think
for it WILL manifest.

And if you're in need of inspiration, just ask yourself this: What would Love do?

It's up to You now....

Yummylicious Food for thought.

Sending you all oodles of Lovedrops and Light-Blissings...

Friday, March 11, 2011

An Indigo Sky

This particular piece is more of an abstract birthday gift. It vacillates between the before and the now, memory and dream. It is one night captured..... with parts of the past interwoven here and there...just hinting of unspoken thoughts........and an unresolved exchange...

Just before Halloween 2010
The party was on a small etch of land one can call 'Paradise'. It boasts its own lake, groves and hillsides, acres of grass, sentinels of sporadic palm trees, huge rock formations, a hidden creek and various places perfect for sky watching and cuddling...and dancing, of course.

While getting ready, I made a silent wish to see the tail end of the meteor shower that had begun the evening before.

The night held many promises and as I entered the dance floor, I was greeted with friends...old and new. Hugs, conversations, pictures and laughter were given and received. I reveled in it all.

Outstretching my arms, I opened up to the night and let it in. I breathed it in with sincerity and grace...and received something in return. A gift that was priceless. It was medicine. Strong and very different medicine.

I'll try to explain. Some things can only be experienced or felt.

There was just something about the night. There were little things. An inkling here and there of different tribal medicines. An entirely new definition of Tribe....

The combination of moments like doing a funny dance w/ Sam pretending to drive and hitting the nitrous button, having my friends help me with my 'chainmail' top on the dance floor, laughing, hugging and smacking each other's asses, watching magic happen in the form of beautiful girls dancing, twisting gracefully from two strips of material hanging from a tree or seeing fire flecks float up into the air as faces glow with its amber colored light, seeing people of all ages, all walks of life, ethnic backgrounds, occupations, etc. unite and collaborate together under one continuous sky.

And then there were moments only meant for two people to share...

There was one thing I wanted to do that night (besides dance under a blanket of stars) and it was to admire and indulge in its brilliance...with the hopes of catching a few shooting stars...

I had expressed that desire to both *R and his best friend, *L and both were open to it but it ended up just me and *R on 'our rock' as it has been sometimes called. As we lay staring up at the vastness of a sky filled with sparkling, suspended tears, we did what we only knew how to do best when together: laugh, tease, joke, share, cuddle and connect.

We talked of how we met, our fears, what I observed...he told bad jokes and it was just....perfect. It was exactly what was needed for me that night.

Some boundaries and walls dissipated. Some stayed but disintegrated a little.

I'm not sure what it was that called us together.

All I know is...this 'Paradise', this land...

It has called us, this piece of our past, again and again...and we go...perhaps in hopes of reuniting with that 'something' we both felt..... all those years ago but it can never be repeated nor duplicated... and we return...perhaps...full of hope... that we can catch a glimpse of that magic we summoned together.... on top of that water tower...oblivious to everything but our whispered voices and the changing colors of a brilliant sky....

As the night stretched towards dawn, the temperatures dropped so we walked towards his car with the notion of retrieving his jacket. The path was lit by solar lamps that emitted little silvery blue lights. The ground was uneven and full of holes so I held his hand for support. As he opened the car door, I was filled with a feeling like something far coming up really close, giving me a detailed view, then slowly fading away.

I realized the true nature of what was unfolding. I was able to see behind the curtain.

Even in this magical place...all things must come

I said to him in a trance-like whisper, "I think this will be the last time we'll meet this. You, me, *L. I got this weird feeling just now..."

He responded with, "Don't say that. You're scaring me."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to. It's just that I got this kind of download just now. *L moving. Where you and I are in our lives. It's like a premonition of things to come..."

"I know, but don't say things like that."

"Sorry. It's just part of the inevitable."

He changed the subject by suggesting we go to my car and retrieve my sleeping bag. The feeling never left me and even now it fills me with a twinge of sadness.

With the sleeping bag nestled in his arms, we head back towards the lights and music. We searched for his friends but to no avail so we went back up on the Rock and continued our sky gazing.

The dark violet color stretched above us in an endless painted-like canvas. The planets and stars greeted us by winking and twinkling flirtatiously. Some shot out in vertical flashes. Some curved joyously then disappeared. Every time I saw one, I cried out excitedly. *R laughed and told more bad jokes at my request. On this night and all those other nights in-between, we fit perfectly in each other's arms...with no worries of what tomorrow would bring.

As the night transitioned to early morning, more stories were exchanged, and our connection deepened a bit but the dropping temperatures influenced our decision to leave the comforting surface of the Rock. That and his unending appetite.

We said our farewells to the Rock then headed down towards the small cluster of people standing near the Wizard and his kitchen tools/wand... and watched as he magically whipped up warm sandwiches to the hungry and still awake patrons.

Warmth became our combined desire and off we went again, retracing our steps back to his car. More stories were shared. More laughter ensued... becoming part of our radiating blanket..and sleep did not come easily for me. Whether it be: Mountain, forest, beach. I don't need stimulants. I don't need them. What's held in Nature helps to sustain me. That and my fairy blood...

He, of course, falls asleep almost instantly. Only to be woken up, intermittently throughout the late night, by my giggling at something or another. Usually it was him.

I finally fall asleep for an hour and wake to the sun with its powerful rays filling the car with more heat.

And then, it was time.

He offered to drive me to where my car was parked so I didn't have to walk through the mine field of holes and divots. I accepted his offer with a sleep deprived nod.

"End of the line," he said with blood shot eyes and hangover in his voice.

"Thanks," I replied and reached over to give him a hug. Then, I gathered my blanket and jacket, opened the car door, stepped out slowly and shut it behind me.

And that was it. No promise to see each other soon. No heartfelt good-bye. The night was like an unwritten contract of no obligations, no spoken arrangements...just this unsaid understanding between us that never saw the surface of speech or exchange.

I wonder sometimes if my premonition was authentic or was it just a feeling heavily influenced by old hurts.  The question remains: Will we return?

I honestly don't know.

All I know is...

That place...... those memories...will always remind me to.......
                                      celebrate Life and
                                          each other,
                                  to break down walls,
                                        to receive,
                               to be up for an adventure...
                                        a journey...
                                   one filled with hope,
                                  and magical nights
                             dancing under an indigo sky
                                   filled with shooting stars...
                                    a passing encounter
                                          full of
                                     muse and reverie.......

*names have not been shared to insure anonymity

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Celestine Prophecy

The movie was fascinating and even the experience of sitting down and watching it with Victoria, Humphrey and Joy at Casa De Paz was a whole different story altogether...which I may write about one day..I'm excited about reading all the books and I'm sure even more things will come forth that I would love to share here as well...

The following excerpts are either direct quotes from the movie, thoughts inspired by the quotes or the dialogue from the movie and channeled words from the Ether.  Hope they are insightful for you and bring you joy...and clarity...

From the First Insight:
'Look not from the mind, but from the Soul.  For the Life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the World.  Just look more closely.  Find the eyes to see.'

What's Next?

Listen to your intuition.  Be Open.  Be open to synchronicity.  When making decisions or speaking, come from the heart.  Stay in the Heart Center as much as you can.

Pay attention to your dreams.  Even what you daydream.  All kinds of messages come through.  Again, be open.  Listen.

There will be a shift in human understanding.

An example of synchronicity: seeing or meeting people for the first time but they seem familiar.  Also, that deja-vu feeling is another indication.

When feeling threatened or in danger, be open to receiving help when offered but listen to your intuition.  Dialogue w/ your Higher Self and guides.  They'll never lead you astray.

Even though physical things may have been destroyed, their teachings are infinite, immortal and live on with those that accept and share the Truth with anyone willing to receive them.  That is how stories were passed along.  The Akashic Records is also another resource for knowledge and history.

Some teachings do not exist on the physical plane (like the Akashic Records).  They can only be accessed from the astral/etheric plane.  Only those that are authentic, free from ego and embody unconditional love and not power may gain access.

Those who try to enforce their will on others, ones who try to dictate or dominate, those who judge, belittle or constrain, those who project or impose their issues on others, those who invade other energy fields or do things without consent cause conflict and are not in direct alignment with Source, The Divine or Unconditional Love.  They come from a place of insecurity and fear which is not in the highest good for all.

Maintaining a sense of stillness, calmness and peace in whatever situation you are in is the ideal.  Reacting or coming from a strong emotional place means you are attached and not coming from a neutral plateau.

Accepting a situation, place or person as is and loving unconditionally remains to be the best solution, no matter the details.

Giving or helping those in need when you can, without wanting anything in return, is part of the act of Unconditional Love.

Life is an adventure whether you're awake or dreaming.  Enjoy it and be open to the wisdom and teachings it can bring you.

Did you forget something?  Prepare all you want but sometimes Life and The Universe may have something else in store for you.

There are many things that connect us.  Usually, one person can lead us to another person who leads us to another.  Like dominoes.  The inner network that guides us on our path.  Sometimes it's events, artifacts, music, etc.  You'll know what it is because something inside you lets you know.

When you're unsure on something or have questions, don't be afraid to ask.  You may be given visions or omens on what to do next.  Pay attention.  Again, the reminder to remain open.

Organized religion and its dogma has been around for centuries.  It is embedded, so it seems, into our history, culture and society.  It is also part of the old paradigm.  It has brought many things into this world: destruction, greed, suffering, power, revelations, miracles, wisdom....the list goes on and on.  However, it holds to a belief that gives sole merit to an outside source from yourself.  Creation, faith, evolution...all of these...according to some religions, are manifested not by US but something or someone outside of us.  On a side note, I must explain my beliefs on the difference between religion and spirituality. Religion stems from a belief system either a God or entity that steers the hands of Fate and Destiny for all.  Spirituality stems from a belief system within one's own inner guidance and to walk towards their own truth.  That is The Path or The Way.
Individuals that still have religious ties are in need of support, regardless.  That has been my challenge.  To accept and love unconditionally whether we share the same beliefs or not.  The ideal thing to do is recognize that we all are in need of believing and having faith.  That we all are a part of the Universal Truth whether it be Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Mother Nature, You or Me.  It is All One.

Militant regimes led by individuals who utilize force, violence and fear seek to control the general public and their minds.  Churches/organized religion seek to control the people's souls.  It is the duty of anyone who feels called to protect the people and prevent this from happening.  They are sometimes called Light Workers.  They are called to be stewards for those that have yet to become fully awake.

Like attracts Like.  Light to Light.  Dark to Dark.

A Light Being is one who has surrendered to the Light.  The body becomes Homo-luminous.  These individuals have been called to step into their power, to cast a light on all their shadow parts and to embrace their highest potential.  They accept that light and shadow are the balance of energy and they cannot exist without the other.  Think of the Yin-Yang symbol.

In a world of fully awakened Beings, there will be no need for soldiers or power because All would be powerful in their own right.  There would be no need to fight because all internal struggle would cease to exist.  To fight is to resist.  To resist is to live in fear.  And to live in fear would perpetuate the same vicious cycle.  Fully awakened Beings surrendered....opened themselves to love and light...realizing that living peacefully within helped to generate a higher vibration which then rippled on a macrocosmic level.

Having a retreat or sanctuary to return to again and again is beneficial to have but most importantly...have that Sanctuary...that Secret Garden within you....accessible at any time..wherever you are so that deep stillness travels with you...always.

Many insights or revelations are available to you, however, it's best to experience them for yourself.  When you're ready for them, they'll come to you naturally.  The prophecy has to happen to you...

Being in a state of confusion and unknowing is not necessarily a bad thing.  Allow yourself time for integration...and wisdom will naturally come forth.

The World is how you perceive it.  Your perception is a direct reflection of how you see others, your environment and most importantly: yourself.

The First Insight comes when you realize that there's a Great Mystery operating out there, moving us...guiding us for some higher purpose.  It's usually right in front of us but only a select few really see it.  Some call them 'coincidences' other say ' omens' or 'signs'.  Once you've allowed yourself to truly 'see', you'll notice them more and more.

The Second Insight states that the World is about to change.  In time, you'll open up your perception...find your guidance, hear your inner voice loud and clear and discover why you're really here...and what your Life's Purpose is...

Dreams can sometimes allow us to see into our past lives, remember who we were, remember people we've been with before so that we can be reminded of what to do, who to trust and re-confirm our life's mission...and at a karmic debt.  Things we see in dreams can make no sense, at first, but with patience and time, all will be revealed and understanding will manifest.

Government figures and rebels or guerrilla groups represent two opposing forces fighting for power, ideals, etc. and in the midst of the struggle, innocent people are usually affected in the cross fire.

The retreat/sanctuary aforementioned is an ideal place for like-minded individuals to meet, get centered, collaborate, rest, rejuvenate and manifest together.

All animate and inanimate things have energy.  All matter emits a life force.  So, for example, when sitting in a garden surrounded by trees, plants and flowers..see if you can sense something and if you're up to it, send it love or energy. Do the same for an inanimate object like a chair or crystal or stuffed animal. See what happens.

Be aware of your energy and energy of others.  If at any time consciously or subconsciously you try to control, dominate, manipulate or coerce someone into doing something or invade other energy fields, you are taking energy. The way to stay connected at all times is to give energy, unconditionally. When you are around another who is giving energy in the same manner to you, to the environment, the energy is amplified and the vibration increases to a higher level of awareness.

Everyone you meet has the opportunity to show you something. It is up to you to welcome it.

Even though partners from previous lifetimes show up along the way, it's up to you to discern whether being together again is best for you, your partner and the world. Sometimes repeating history only perpetuates a cycle and growth isn't allowed to come forth. If unsure on what to do next, do nothing and be patient. What is meant to be will reveal itself.

Individuals that fear what they do not understand usually react by wanting to destroy the very thing that is the source of their consternation, sabotaging their opportunity to evolve. They fear change perceiving such ideas or concepts as disruptive because it goes against what they're accustomed to.

The prophecy states that our growth discontinues when we take energy from another. To tap into our internal source, to really connect with 'open' up is key. That is how everything, the World and the way you see it.  But, there's more. You must have the faith and belief the experience exists, to that possibility of something 'more' and that it's right in front of you.

Connect with Nature. Let go. Take it All in. Allow the energy and beauty of what you see into your being. Breathe it in. Be aware of that connection. If you lose it, don't worry. Just give it some energy and the connection will come back. This allows for rejuvenation and getting grounded.

Energy is what we all want. But, we're stuck battling for it with each other instead of finding it in ourselves.

Sometimes we make decisions based on what we think is best without thinking how it may effect others and the world as a whole. If we can be in our heart space instead of our head space, our decisions and outcomes may be different.

Keep your focus on Your Path. Keep learning. The help you'll need will find you. Divine guidance and assistance is always there. For example, the right person will come along, so just try to remain open and alert. Something will shift for you.

Saint Francis could see beauty where others couldn't. In troubled times...where everything around you is in utter chaos, step into that stillness within you, connect with Nature energetically and you'll be protected and shielded and also re-energized if need be.

When you're truly free and open, the past, present and future will show you what you need to see. You'll begin to understand everything that has happened to you, why you are here and what you must do next.

Recap: The 1st and 2nd insights are about noticing the coincidences. That things happen for a reason. They help to wake us up by showing us the energy. That's what the 3rd and 4th insight teach. That it's real and people fight and struggle. This is what causes conflict in the world...between Nations, in the workplace, families, relationships. The solution to this is: opening up, finding your own energy which is the 5th insight. Connecting you with the one true Source: the real world. The prophecy says, "When you find this true connection with the energy of God/The Divine/Sacred Feminine/Mother Earth (insert other names and sources) it's a glimpse into the future. One day, we will all collectively see in that way and live in that world. However, now it can be a difficult thing for anyone to maintain...yet we are evolving in that direction. The 6th insight says we are part of a larger flow of evolution. We all are here to do something...and if we are true to that purpose we'll help move humanity towards the world you glimpsed when you connected with Source. The 7th insight is about discovering your guidance. Listening to your intuition. This insight helps you to know what to do next...especially when you're unclear on what to do. When you stay open and alert, certain ideas or images will come to mind. Allow them to guide you. Follow them and the coincidences will come more rapidly. Just step into the flow. If you ever feel disconnected or drained, just re-open the door and receive more energy from Source. Recall a time when you felt fully supported, energized, centered and totally connected. Remember what you saw and felt. Breathe in the memory.

Sometimes you travel on your own, sometimes with others. Often times, you have to go your own way. Follow your own intuition...alone. When you get to a crossroad or a fork on the Path...utilize that intuition. It will tell you where to go next.

Things are not always as they seem. Always find the deeper meaning, the silver lining. That's what keeps you in the flow.

To talk, you would have to actually listen to what the other person is feeling. To listen, you would have to actually hear what the other person is saying underneath as well as what they're saying topically.

"I can be a little hard-edged sometimes. I've always gotten lost in other people. Guys. Mostly the charming ones. Not stood my ground when it was really important..and I vowed to myself, not anymore...and then you come along, like it's some kind of test for me, and...I just get angry because I don't wanna slide backwards. The couple thing is the hardest thing to work out. Especially if the relationship is familiar, if it feels like I've known you before. When couples first meet, usually there is this wonderful feeling but it almost never lasts. One person gets insecure and starts controlling..wanting more from the other person...and the other one gets threatened, backs away and it leads to a power struggle."
"It doesn't have to be that way."
"If both people stay connected then whoever has the strongest intuition leads and there's no competition. Control is shared, and that's the relationship I want."
"But, I can't stay connected. I want to but I'm just not there yet."
"But, there is a way. We all have to work on doing this one critical thing. It's what I need to remember instead of getting angry all the time. That's the 8th insight. It says that instead of taking energy from each other, you give it. All the time, no matter what."

Giving energy is a process. When energy in another increases, you can see it in their expression. So you look for that higher expression. And in every situation, you know your energy is moving into them when you get a feeling. A feeling of completeness. A wholeness. An unmatched euphoria. Giving is the secret to keeping yourself connected..because your energy, your love, builds up in you first as it flows out to others. It's what the saints have always done. That's what they do.

It's one thing to just give energy but if we give it to someone who is also giving it back then we build energy among ourselves. It amplifies, back and forth. If we were all doing this, humanity would take another step in evolution.

There will be those who do not see, who will seek to destroy, control and suppress you and what you believe in. Stay centered, connected and focused. You'll be shown what to do next.

Evolution is a creation that's still happening. We can all be a part of this. According to the Church, only God creates not us. According to the insights, creation happens through us.

The voice of the opposition: The world is the way it is because we make it that way. When there's prosperity, we create it. When there's war, well sometimes war can be useful, too. We don't want to destroy this democracy but limit. Progress depends on people's willingness to be led. The world has changed. Religious fanatics are threatening everything. Now this prophecy pops up again after hundreds of years. We've known this. We have our writings, too. We've always known the dangers of what it promises. This dreamy liberation. The illusion of security. It undermines everything. You are all so naive. Thinking something spiritual guiding this world. There's nothing out there. Just us humans. The way of this world is power.

When we find the true God/Divine/Spirit/Gaia experience the fight over whose religion is best, it fades. There's just one Truth.

The 9th Insight: The guidance within evolves the world towards a Heaven that is already here. To know this is to know our destiny.

You are never alone. There are others Divinely sent to help you from close by or afar. This is worth repeating again: Remember, you are not alone.

Gratitude is the best response.

And sometimes you are shown partners from previous lifetimes. In some cases, you are supposed to be another, you are not. Find the Balance. Be open and teach each other. That is key for all lifetimes.

More Insights to come...

1st Insight
We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined.

2nd Insight
As some of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new world view-redefining the Universe as energetic and sacred.

3rd Insight
We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.

4th Insight
From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.

5th Insight
The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the Divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a Higher-Self Awareness.

6th Insight
In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.

7th Insight
In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold.

8th Insight
When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.

9th Insight
In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life's ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lesson of The Unconditional

So, I was contemplating what 'unconditional' meant which, for me, means to be free of conditions or without conditions or expectations.  And I thought, "Have I based my decisions on what I perceive to be expectations or preconceived outcomes?  What if I were to base my decisions solely on what I feel in my heart and what I desire not what I think is best for me overall?"  And more importantly, basing it on whether I get what I want in the end...

Concerning matters of the heart, we are usually cautious, defensive, manipulative, strategic, over-analytical and afraid.  Rarely are we open, vulnerable, unconditional, expressive or willing to allow ourselves the experience of Love unless we feel supported to do so.  But, then I got to thinking the basis/source/the very nature of where our intentions lie when expressing our feelings and emotions...and do we come from a 'free from conditions' place?  Most of the time?


When I 'put myself out there'...when I express how I feel to someone else...when I tell them what's pulsing through my heart and I'm feeling vulnerable and the back of my mind, am I thinking, "Please tell me you love me, too?  Please please please say you reciprocate how I feel?  Please don't crush my heart into a million pieces?"  I think I sometimes do...and so do most of you...

Is it okay to think that?  Of course.  Is it okay to have wants and desired outcomes?  Yes.  But, here's the thing.  Are you aware of cause and effect otherwise known as Karma?  When you have expectations and/or desired outcomes, will you honor the outcome regardless of whether you receive what you want or will you be disappointed?

That's where the Lesson of The Unconditional comes in.  Because when you free yourself from a desired outcome, an expectation, or a preconceived are allowing yourself to receive in whatever form your gift will come to you.  You may put in your 'order' but sometimes the Universe has something else in store.  The question is: are you up for the adventure?

And I know...easier said than done...that whole unconditional stuff.  Here's another tidbit for you...are you willing to gift that same love and attention to YourSelf?  Because...truly... loving and accepting yourself unconditionally is one of the most challenging things for me right now and I have no qualms about admitting that.  Bringing it out in the open like this allows me the space to work things out and heal those shadowed parts that have been in the dark for far too long.

Now is the time to Shed Your Skin...release all your old patterns and be free from suffering and fear.  Open your heart. MORE.  Now radiate Light.  On the Shadows.  On everything and everyone...send it all Love and Gratitude...and in doing so...we shed light on the Macrocosm of why we were put this World.

Connect to the Source.

Embody what you most desire. What we ALL desire.



Unconditional Love.

This Place...

This hidden, secret place. Where do you go? Where does the music, stories and art come from? Some people have asked me about this and I've definitely wondered the same thing myself...even going as far as to inquire, investigate and interrogate some of those virtuosos and geniuses.

I remember writing a poem about this magical own personal secret place I only have access to...where I pluck the stories from, like that infamous apple of Eden...and my teacher liked it so much, she copied it using a calligraphy pen and put it on pink construction paper...posting it up on the wall.  That teacher's name? Mrs. Kendall-Wood. She believed in my work...and most importantly, she believed in me.  I think I was 12 at the time. And what's really surprising is...I never let that in...never realized it until now. I think it was because sometime afterward (several years later) my mother found it and thought it was a suicide note.  So, there you go...

I can't really describe this place like how you would a picture or a painting.  It's a place that holds my memories.  It's a place where a tree will magically appear when I need it to and a gentle breeze will kiss my cheeks...tickle my neck with strands of my hair...and I'll feel safe...and supported.  My feet will be bare.  The grass soft, slightly moist and the richest green you can ever imagine...a fairytale incandescent color...and the sea would be right there...where Forest and Ocean meet...where Sky and Earth co-exist simultaneously.  It'll be the closest place to Heaven...and that's when I'll pick up my journal and pen....
.....................and begin to write..................................

But, here's the thing.  This's never the same because what I have to say or express is always different.  This place is like a dream.  It's ethereal.  Like Avalon, Lumeria or Eden but Eve gets to call the shots...and God isn't some male entity with a booming voice shouting out orders...this place is The Collective Voice.  It's the Grace and light that lives inside each and everyone of us.  That's where my stories and art come from.  Where my Truth resides.  Where Love is infinite and where my art is a result of that guidance and allowance.  I am but a Channel.  The essence of that Love and connection is what's really speaking and coming through.

I am but a Guide.....
...trying to show
the stories,
the music,
the art
..the way into the World.